Americans love sports. It is built into usfrom a young age. Every child participates in many sports as they grow up andoften our hero’sare sport athletes.
美国人热衷运动,大部分人从小就被各种运动所吸引,每个孩子都会在课后参加各种运动训练, 因为他们长大后都想成为有名的运动员。
Of all the sports in
To understand Football, is to understand American culture.
Let me talk about my experiences with thegames.
I started loving football at a young agewhile watching the games with my father. I didn’t totally understand the small detailsof every play, but when my team scored we cheered. Football was on Sundays,usually in the afternoon. We made a lot of food, the men always had beer andthe women always told the men to not drink so much beer and be quieter. Thekids sometimes watched and sometimes played.
Football came around as fall began. In New England where I grew up, this meant the changing ofseasons. The leaves turned beautiful colors of red, orange, pink, yellow andbrown. The air became cooler and hot apple cider was a welcomed evening drink.School had started and the nights got darker a lot faster. Football was alwaysa sign that summer had ended and the American holidays for Halloween,Thanks giving and Christmas were not far away. Of course, neither was the snow.
在美国,大学足球赛也十分流行, 一般美国的学校里最受欢迎的男学生参与社团都为美式足球队。一些大学的球场拥有超过十万个座位,而且经常售罄所有门票。就算是高中学校的球赛也经常有吸引超过一万名观众入场。而在许多美国的小城市,秋季每周所举办的的大学与高中美式足球赛事以及伴随一起的乐仪队与拉拉队表演都已经成为当地重要文化特色之一。
Football was invented in 1869 however therules were very different than today’s. The first professional league was established in1922. The game is simple in its concept, but incredibly complex in the actions(plays) on the field.
The game last 60 minutes divided into 4quarters,15minutes each quarter with a half time after the 2ndquarter. The game is played on a 100 yards field. There are two teams, andmaximum 11 players on the field for each team at a time. The goal is to bringthe football to your side of the field by running or throwing it. Every timeyou enter your scoring area, called the ‘End Zone’, you gain 6 points. If you cannot enter the area, but are closeenough to it you could try kicking the ball through a metal U-shaped post. Thisgives you 3 points. There are also options for 1 and 2 points extra, but onlyafter scoring 6.
一场标准的比赛是60分钟,分为4个环节,每个环节15分钟,第二个环节后是中场休息。比赛场地是个百码场(也就是在两个得分线之间有100个码)。 两个战队每次只能有11个队员在场上。目标是带着橄榄球跑进/扔进对手底线区内,又称达阵。这样的得分是6分。以这种方式得分后,你还可以有1分或2分的加分机会。如果你离对手底线很近,但无法带着球跑进去或扔进去的话,你可以把球踢进去,这样的得分是3分。
Each team has a separate offense anddefense. The coach will design and call plays based on who is on the field atthe time. Side note: for many football fans, the most interesting part of thegame is the “play”. Each team’s coaches has a playbook and it’s a play war for them eachgame. This is the hard to understand part of the game, and very complex. Manyformer professional football players later became lawyers and TV announcers -said play football was much more difficult than their studies at University.
每个队都有自己的进攻分队和防守分队。教练会根据对对方选手的了解安排基本战术,怎么进攻或防守。注:对很多美式足球的球迷来说,最吸引他们的地方就是比赛双方教练团在场上的斗智。每一队都有一本兵书. 战术也许就是橄榄球赛中最难理解,最复杂的一个环节了。 很多专业球员退休后会去当选这个行业的律师或节目解说员-很多人说学习橄榄球的战术比大学的学科还难。
How did I learn most of the little partsof the game? Honestly, by playing video games. It’s hard to see the different running,kicking, passing, defending and trick plays without spending time on a videogame console.
If you ever get a chance to visitAmerican, try to find a football game to attend. It could be a college orprofessional level game. You will find passionate fans, friend food and coldbeer, lots of noise and laughter and an exciting sport to watch - even if you don’t fully understand what’s happening.
作者: 安美国际首席国际房产经纪人
MR . Heath Clendenning