Job title: Data & Insights Analyst
What's the job?
Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and changing the landscape formany industries. This makes it the perfect time to join a team that is takingon the challenge to understand the media industry and the ever changingconsumer behaviour that drives it.
We're looking for a skilled and passionate Data and Insights Analyst towork within our Data, Research & Insights team. This is a key business areaat TVNZ as the entire industry functions on audience measurement and Insight.Understanding audiences across our Broadcast TV, OnDemand and News sitescreates our ability to drive viewers and visits. New audience information isdelivered daily for both TVNZ and its competitors. Our ability to understandwhat's happening daily, weekly, monthly is critical to our competitiveadvantage.
You'll keep the Marketing, Content and News & Current Affairs teamsup to date with trends that they need to be aware of to be successful in therapidly evolving world of media. Using a combination of TAM (TV Ratings) data,online viewing data and external research you'll work across the business tounderstand TVNZ's current and future market, and always be looking for Insightsto lead the business forward.
Is it right for you?
With at least two or three years' experience in media and/or researchyou will love working with data to find out what's happening behind the numbersand the drivers of viewer behaviour.
You will enjoy extracting information from a wealth of data sourcesusing various tools. Most importantly, you will have the drive to createinsightful and actionable information. The ability to tell a compelling storyusing numbers in a simple manner should come naturally to you.
Ideally, you will be familiar with Nielsen's television ratings data andanalysis tools. If not, you should be comfortable dealing with data, and arehappiest in the world of extracting and analysing information from a range ofsources.
If you have started your career in media and/or research/analytics andare eager to be part of this exciting area of a dynamic business, this could bethe ideal next step.
Are we right for you?
TVNZ is one of New Zealand's best known and most well-loved businesses.Every day we join over 2.4 million kiwis in their lunchrooms, lounge rooms,bedrooms and on whatever gadget they carry around. Whether we're breaking news,following adventures, sharing stories, or simply putting smiles on faces, we'reall about doing it better, smarter and on more screens than anyone else.
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