
2015年09月18日 伦敦英语

Bearding involves holding a hapless moggie in front of one's face to give the impression of a glorious,luxuriant beard. And believe it or not, it's catching on. Some pet owners prefer to simply hold their cats up horizontally for a quick Grizzly Adams imitation, but to others this is little more than cheating.

“猫咪胡须照” 要求被拍照的人抱着一只猫(喵星人一定觉着自己很倒霉),把猫放在自己脸前方,就能拍出一张人脸上长出华丽胡须的照片。信不信由你,这种行为极具传染力。有些宠物主人更喜欢让猫横躺过来,一秒钟变灰熊亚当斯。但对其他人来说,这就太假了。

For true bearding aficionados, the classic pose is a little more complex and involves holding the animal vertically nose-to-nose with it looking up for a Father Christmas look. The craze got off to a slow start with the first recorded picture of bearding uploaded to tumblr by a user named Catasters in July 2011.


There was a small flurry of interest and the picture spread to a number of other social networking sites. But it wasn't until 2012 that the fad began to gather momentum following the creation of a dedicated website cat-beard.com.

起初“猫咪胡须照” 引起一小部分人的关注,好几家社交网站分享了照片。但一直到2012年一家专注“猫咪胡须照”的网站(cat-beard.com)创立后,这种行为才真正成为全民热潮。

Longhair breeds are the most commonly bearded, however there has been a recent surge in the use of shorthairs, tabbies or in some rare cases small dogs.


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