
2015年09月22日 高中生补习联盟Australia

P. 9 Sticks and Stones and such-like

主人公:Sunil Badami

故事情节: 主人公因为自己的肤色和名字而在学校受到欺辱,因此产生了自卑,厌恶自己的肤色



主题:1. Family expectations (traditions and values); 2. Appearance influences identity; 3. Others’

judgment influences identity


1. “I just wanted to fit in”

2. “At home, I was Sunil…In the real world, I was Neil. I fitted in.”

3. “It’s too Indian”

4. “you should be proud”

5. “hard to tie my Indian appearance to my Australian feeling”

p.16 Chinese Lesson

主人公: Ivy Tseng




主题:1. Family expectations (traditions and languages); 2. Belong to local culture (abandoning one’s

first language)


1. “I always dreaded 害怕eleven o’clock on Saturday mornings”

2. “inheritance 继承of over 4000 years of history, language and values”

3. “I just want to understand my father”

P. 42 The Beat of a Different Drum

主人公: Simon Tong

故事情节: Simon和家人移民到澳洲,在Geelong的一个学校上学。英语有困难,文化有障碍。引




1. “I was always angry”

2. “I wasn’t an angry child in Hong Kong”

3. “I was the new animal in the zoo”

4. “I was robbed of 抢劫speech, hearing and literacy 文字能力”

5. “If I couldn’t express 表达myself, then who was myself?”

6. “My relationship…became a lot friendlier”

主题:1. Belonging through learning local culture and language; 2. Judgment from others influences

one’s identity; 3. Language can influence one’s identity

P. 64 Take Me Away, Please

主人公:Lily Chan





1. “I dreaded 害怕this moment”

2. “in this small, prejudiced town, all we had was each other”

3. “I wanted to get out of this town very badly”

主题: 1. Family expectations (working hard); 2. Alienation and being an outsider (belong to the

minority 少数派)

P. 287 Five Ways to Disappoint Your Vietnamese Mother

主人公: Diana Nguyen

故事情节: 主人公生活在一个澳大利亚的越南人家庭,她与妈妈之间有各种矛盾。她的兴趣是当


成绩不好时候,妈妈觉得丢脸(lose face)。Diana也觉得她妈妈让她丢脸,因为她在学校做主角演戏


她后来退出(drop out), 导致和妈妈的交流障碍(barrier)。Diana交了中国男友,妈妈不喜欢,让她交



1. “You Asians are all the same”

2. “I am Australian”

3. “My lack of interest in learning her language created 创造 … communication barriers…”

4. “My mother’s dream was for me to be rich, successful and healthy”

5. “My mum has made me lose face”

主题:1. Family expectations (traditions and language); 2. Judgment from others (stereotype); 3.

Forging an identity through abandoning another

Identities and Belongings 主题:

1. Family expectations 影响 identity

- Asian families want their children to work hard

- Keeping family traditions and languages传统和语言

- Parents can help their children to find belonging and identity

- Parents’ limited English and understanding of local culture

2. Belonging through learning local culture and language

- Difficulties between two cultures and languages

- Abandoning one’s first language and culture

3. Judgment (判断) of others affect our identity

- Racial discrimination 种族歧视

- Stereotype

4. An identity from two cultures

- Some people feel they have to abandon放弃 one identity to belong (school-aged children)

- Some feel “bi-polar” 两极的(confused 困惑between two cultures)

- People with mixed backgrounds find it even harder

5. Appearance affects one’s identity

- Appearance and internal identity are inconsistent

- “White-washing” phenomenon – other ethnic groups feel inferior

6. Adult identity

- Different from childhood identity

- May not fit into the mainstream

- The importance of family and relationship support

7. Alienation 疏远and being an outsider 外来者

- Alienation = not belonging: dislike the values of the majority 主流; belong to minority 少数;

lack of abilities 能力

- Outsider = different

8. Multiple identities

- One in the family, and the other in the outside world

- Between genders

- Uniting different identities


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