1】 relatives 亲属;family tree 家谱;next of kin 近亲;generation 代;clan 宗族;race, breed 种族;lineage 宗族、世系;stock 门第、血统;origin 出身;ancestors 祖先;offspring 后代;descendants 后代、晚辈
2】各种水果 durian 榴莲,blueberry 蓝莓,raspberry 树莓,cranberry 蔓越莓,pawpaw 木瓜,pitaya 火龙果,pomegranate 石榴,grapefruit 葡萄柚,longan 桂圆/龙眼,hawthorn 山楂,guava 番石榴,wax apple 莲雾,mangosteen(Garcinia mangostana) 山竹;
3】时尚俚语 Steal one's thunder, to accept credit for another's work. 即我们中文里常说的“抢了某人的风头”;例句:1. I don't want to steal your thunder. 我不想抢了你的风头。 2. She stole your thunder at the wedding. 她在婚礼上抢了你的风头。
4】各种蔬菜词汇 黄瓜cucumber;南瓜 pumpkin;豌豆 pea;黄豆 soybean;菜豆kidney bean;茄子eggplant;蘑菇mushroom;西红柿 tomato;丝瓜 luffa;大蒜garlic;白菜cabbage;菠菜spinach;芹菜celery;生菜 lettuce;卷心菜 cabbage;洋葱 onion;胡萝卜 carrot;藕 lotus root;青椒 green pepper