
2015年09月16日 图说悉尼

艾伯特曾经说的一句“世事难料(somethingshit happens)”一语成谶,面对政治的残酷,他也只能接受逼宫下台的结局。

被逼宫下台的Tony Abbott,在9月15日中午12:40分,发表了他的告别演说,最后的那一句“我对这个国家的爱从未改变,愿上帝保佑这个伟大的国家”,感动的不仅仅是在场的人。

Tony Abbott 告别演说全文翻译












失败是一件令人沮丧的事,但与当初当选总理的荣誉和使命感相比,这不算什么。当我第一次在国会大厦发表演说时,引用了澳洲第一位牧师Richard Johnson的话,我拿什么报答耶和华向我所赐的一切厚恩?



Thank you for being here. This is not an easy day for many people in this building. Leadership changes are never easy for our country. My pledge today is to make this change as easy as I can.

There will be no wrecking, no undermining, and no sniping. I've never leaked or backgrounded against anyone. And I certainly won't start now.

Our country deserves better than that. I want our government and our country to succeed. I always have and I always will. 'I've consistently said in opposition and in government that being the Prime Minister is not an end in itself; it's about the people you serve.

The great privilege that I have had is to see the wonder of this country like few others. And I want to thank the Australian people for giving me the honour to serve.

Yes, this is a tough day, but when you join the game, you accept the rules. I've held true to what I've believed and I'm proud of what we've achieved over the past two years. 300,000 more people are in jobs.

Labor's bad taxes are gone. We've signed Free Trade Agreements with our largest trading partners, with Japan, with Korea and with China. The biggest infrastructure program in our country's history is under way.

A spotlight is being shone into the dark and corrupt corners of the union movement and Labor's party union business model. 'We've responded to the threats of terror and we've deployed to the other side of the world to bring our loved ones home.

The boats have stopped and with the boats stopped, we've been better able to display our compassion to refugees. And despite hysterical and unprincipled opposition, we've made $50 billion of repairs to the budget. Of course, there's much that I had still wanted to do.

Constitutional recognition of Indigenous people. Getting the kids to school, the adults to work and communities safe.

I was the first Prime Minister to spend a week a year in remote Indigenous Australia. And I hope I'm not the last. Then there's the challenge of ice and domestic violence, yet to be addressed.

Australia has a role to play in the struggles of the wider world. The cauldron of the Middle East. And security in the South China Sea and elsewhere.

I fear that none of this will be helped if the leadership instability that's plagued other countries continues to taint us. 'But yes, I am proud of what the Abbott Government has achieved. We stayed focused despite the white-anting. Of course, the government wasn't perfect.

We have been a government of men and women, not a government of Gods walking upon the earth. Few of us, after all, entirely measure up to expectations.

The nature of politics has changed in the past decade. We have more polls and more commentary than ever before. Mostly sour, bitter, character assassination.

Poll driven (politics) has produced a revolving door Prime Ministership which can't be good for our country. And a febrile media culture has developed that rewards treachery.

And if there's one piece of advice I can give to the media, it's this: refuse to print self-serving claims that the person making them won't put his or her name to. Refuse to connive at dishonour by acting as the assassin's knife. There are many to thank for the privilege of being Prime Minister.

First and foremost, I thank my family for allowing me to be the absentee spouse and parent that politics entails. I thank Margie for her grace and dignity throughout my public life. I thank my party for the privilege of leading it. I thank the armed forces who are serving our country and defending our values, even as we speak.

I thank my staff, who have been absolutely unceasing in their devotion to our party and our country, especially my Chief of Staff, who has been unfairly maligned by people who should've known better. Finally, I thank my country for the privilege of service. It is humbling to lose, but that does not compare to the honour of being asked to lead.

In my maiden speech here in this Parliament, I quoted from the first Christian service ever preached here in Australia.

The reverend Richard Johnson took as his text what shall I render unto the Lord for all his blessings to me? At this, my final statement as Prime Minister, I say: I have rendered all and I am proud of my service.

My love for this country is as strong as ever, and may God bless this great Commonwealth of ours. Thank you.


周二(15日)下午1点35分,Malcolm Turnbull正式宣誓就职。果然是人逢喜事精神爽。



  • 2010年,吉拉德逼宫,赶下陆克文,成为澳洲首位女总理

  • 2013年6月,陆克文反扑,战吉拉德成功,再次出任总理

  • 2013年09月07,澳大利亚联盟党在大选中,以压倒的优势成为澳洲执政党,联盟党领袖艾伯特成为澳洲第28届总理。

  • 2015年9月14日,前通讯部长谭保(Malcolm Turnbull)挑战艾伯特,以54:44逼走艾伯特,成为自由党新领袖,并成为了澳大利亚新一任总理!


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