2015加拿大冬令营<开始>Winter Camp of Year 2015 (Getting Start)

2015年02月13日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


Winter Camp Of Year 2015 (Getting Start)
今天是正式行程的第一天,在homestay家长的护送下,我们在CEC高中集合,开始了今天的学习之旅。乘坐校车我们来到了HERHS高中,这里的一切让我们欣喜万千,彩色的墙壁、学生DIY的天花板,先进的设施,幽默的校长欢迎致辞并带我们参观了学校。11点我们正式开始了今天的课程,第一节英语阅读写作课,Mrs.G 老师诙谐的介绍了她的名字,并引领大家自我介绍,很快同学们便放松的融入课堂。通过活动我们学习了与winter的节日 穿衣 活动 食物等相关的诸多词汇。

Todat was the first day of school, and all the students got together at CEC high school and then went to the local high school to have a community education day. They were so excited to visit here, as all the things were new to us, such as the colourful walls, the painting ceiling that did by students,and advanced facilities. The humorus principal gave us a warm welcome and showed us around the school. At 11 a.m we started an English writing and reading lesson. The teacher Mrs.G is so humorus, and she taught us many vocabularies about winter and we enjoyed her class so much.

中午学校用美味的披萨欢迎我们,许多学生也尽情享用了homestay妈妈做的爱心午餐。饱餐过后校长安排当地10年级和11年级学生带领我们学生分别进入他们的课堂进行学习,感受他们原汁原味的课堂氛围。体育课,化学课,生物课,微积分课,法律,法语,喜剧课等等诸多课程。因为在加拿大高中学习铺垫下,且我们进度和教材完全一致,因此同学们并不紧张,十分认真听讲,在当地学生带领下反而更加积极参与课堂。3:15放学后,我们乘坐校车去往保龄球俱乐部,将一天的疲惫抛之脑后进行的练习happy,时间飞快5点钟寄宿家庭的家长们讲孩子们一一接回家 更有准备好的美食和家庭活动等着我们。

During lunch time, the school treated us Piza, and also some students had the food that made by the homestay's hostess.After the delicious lunch we were divided into groups. With the help of the local students, we attanded the classroom to have lessons, which were PW, Chemistry, Biology, Pre-Cal, Franch, Drama, etc. As we had learnt in our school, and we had the same textbook, so we were not nervous and we had a very good participation. After the school we went to play bowing, all the students were so excited that they forgot that they've already been too tired.

After the bowling club, the homestay picked us up and went back home. The fist day was coming to the end, but happiness never ended. The delicious supper were waiting for us. All of us had got used to the life here, and we were looking forward to tomorrow's trip of universities.

Pre-Cal Lesson

English Lesson

Welcome Speech By Principal

PE lesson

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