Musical Club 开课咯
近两周国际部11年级和12年级选择Musical Club的同学们一直在学习发声技巧。今天下午,多才多艺的Colin老师又加大了难度。他把同学们分成三组,男生两组分别是低音部和中音部,女生一组担当高音部。同学们先是每组分别练习,让大家可以感受不同音部,而后再合起来练习和声。Colin用电子琴配合大家练习,收到了特别令人满意的效果,11年级的音乐课颇像一个小型录音棚。和声练习过后,Colin又将舞蹈动作加入到和声中去,也就是边唱边跳。动作很简单,但是配合上唱歌就不那么容易了。同学们刚开始还有些忙手忙脚,脚上的动作到位了,嘴上却没有出声,唱着跳着,自己也觉得好笑。不过经过了几次练习,慢慢熟练了动作和发声的结合,同学们的表演也就越来越自然了。同学们将在下学期末有一场音乐剧表演,从现在同学们投入的热情来看,演出将会是一场听觉和视觉的盛宴。让我们拭目以待吧!
Recently,Grade 11s and12s students are practicing chords for the musical performance. This afternoon, brilliant Colin put morepressure on his students by combining chords and dancing. At the beginning, he dividedthe students into three groups: two boy groups and one girl group. The boyswere playing low pitch and tenor while the girls were playing high pitch. Theywere practicing separately and then Colin had them combined as a chord togetherusing his piano. After that, Colin asked the students to practice chords withdancing. At the beginning, it was hilarious because they would forget to singwhile dancing and vice versa. But during the practice, students were gettingmore and more familiar with the combination and they were getting better andbetter. The activity was very satisfying. The 11th grade will give amusical performance at the end of this year and they are very looking forwardto their own performance to be a success. The students and teachers devoted alot to this performance and it is sure that the performance will be a feast ofjoy. Let’s applaud for them and get ready for their excellent performance.
Sino Canadian High School