2015 Canada Winter Camp in Vancouver (II)
(Ttranslated By Ted Hu)
The second day in Vancouver and it was still sunny! We started our happy journey in the morning.
开着车,唱着歌一路欣赏着温哥华的美景,随着导游的介绍我们来到了China Town唐人街, 这里的建筑并不现代,传统中国的北京范儿门廊,区内的房屋建筑设计融合了英国维多利亚时期及中国传统的古典风格。
We were in the bus enjoy the beauty of Vancouver, singing all the way. With the introduction of our tour guide, here we came Chinatown, where buildings are not modern with quite traditional Beijing-Style porches. As for the architecture styles in the town feature both British Victorian era and traditional classic Chinese style.
之后我们来到了Gas Town煤气镇,美丽整洁的街道矗立古雅的街灯,圆石路两旁经装修的旧屋,已经成为各种古董店、纪念品店、画廊及古雅的餐厅。位于Cambie及Water街交汇处有世界上唯一的蒸汽钟,到处洋溢着那个开拓时期的气息。
And then, we visited Gastown, where quaint street lamps lied along the sides of gorgeous and clean street. The old houses along both sides of the round stone-paved road had become the all kinds of antique shops, souvenir shops, galleries and quaint restaurants. There was the one and only steam clock at the cross of Cambie Street and Water Street. And every here and there presented the atmosphere of the times of developing.
最令人陶醉的当属Stanley Park斯坦利公园了,随处可看到的可爱浣熊,还有一座动物园和温哥华水族馆,公园北临巴拉德湾(Burrard Inlet),西临英国湾,美景自然美不胜收,同学们在阳光下漫步,合影留念。
The most bewitching place would be the Stanley Park, where raccoons could be seen everywhere. And there were also a zoo and Vancouver Aquarium inside the park. The Stanley Park is bordered by Burrard Inlet in the north, English Inlet in the west. Therefore, there were many beautiful sceneries. And the students wandered and took photos in the sunny day.
And then, Lions Gate Bridge, Canada Place, downtown business streets, all of which made us love this city deeply.The most exciting journey would be visiting Victoria tomorrow. And the students can’t wait for it! Please follow up tomorrow’s report with more detailed information!
Stanley Park 合影