这两天,“主要看气质”短短5个字的一句话简直红遍中国各大社交平台。不美、不萌、不倾城?没关系,主要看气质!小伙伴们知道英语中“气质”该肿么说嘛?不会的童鞋先来Mark住!1. class:(风度、举止等)漂亮、优雅She's got real class.
2. elegance: (举止)典雅It was her natural elegance that struck me.
3. charisma: 魅力,气质On screen she had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.荧幕上的她有一种超凡的气质,能让你深深地迷恋上她。How did a man of so little personal charisma get to be prime minister?如他这般没有个人魅力的人,是怎么当上首相的?4. refinement: 文雅,有气质She's the personification of culture and refinement.
5. posh: 谈吐高雅的A woman with a very posh accent telephoned for him earlier.
6. polished: 优雅而又自信的He's suave, polished and charming.他文雅、自信,富有魅力。7. grace: 气质,风度Joanna has natural grace and elegance.乔安娜举止自然优雅。They accepted their defeat with good grace.
8. chic: 时髦,别致I like your haircut - it's very chic.我喜欢你的发型——很别致。British politicians are not renowned for their chic.英国政治家并不以优雅而著称/英国政治家向来不讲优雅那一套。 【美国中学】想评估自己的成绩和自身情况适合什么样的美国中学,想全面了解美国中学的最新申请资讯,戳“阅读原文”自助评估即可~