
2015年12月06日 EB5美国投资移民

就在昨天12月4日,也就是EB5区域中心法案过期前的7天,参议院司法委员会主席,ChuckGrassley和其EB5方面的铁杆盟友Patrick Leahy,向外界公开宣布了一篇名为:Days Before Program Expires, Leahy &Grassley Urge Support for Legislation to Reform & Extend Job-Creating Foreign Investment Program(EB-5还有几天过期,Leahy和Grassley力促立法支持,改革及延期就业创造的外国投资计划)的新闻通稿。在此文章中也附带了以前公布的立法方案。


 Extend the program through September 2019;
 Provide increased authority to DHS to deny or terminate applications where there is fraud,criminal misuse, or a threat to public safety or national security;
 Establish an “EB-5 Integrity Fund” in which regional centers and investors would payfees to be used by DHS to conduct audits and site visits to detect and investigate fraud in theUnited States and abroad;
 Require background checks of regional center and project principals;
 Require more disclosures to investors regarding business risks and conflicts of interest;
 Require more oversight of projects and closer monitoring for securities compliance;
 Strengthen the incentives for investment in distressed areas so more capital investmentreaches urban poor and rural areas, as Congress originally intended;
 Raise the lower investment threshold to $800,000 to ensure more money goes to the areasthat need it, and provide a mechanism for automatic adjustments going forward;
 Improve how jobs are calculated to ensure that EB-5 projects truly create the statutorilyrequired 10 jobs per investor;
 Improve accountability and transparency by requiring that DHS employees documentcertain communications and by prohibiting preferential treatment; and
 Decrease petition processing times, which have been plagued by massive delays, byproviding premium processing and requiring fees be adjusted to the rate necessary toachieve efficient processing.

1. 延期EB-5计划至2019年9月;2.增加DHS(国土安全部,移民局上级部门)权利,当有欺诈、违法滥用和对公共及国家安全时,拒绝或终止申请
5. 要求对于投资者更多的信息披露,关于商业风险和利益冲突;
7. 加强对于贫困地区的激励,使得更多的资金能够流向城市贫困区和乡村地区,一如国会初衷;
9. 改善就业计算机制,确保EB-5项目确实能为每个投资者创造所需的10个就业;




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