Happy Halloween
Halloween, amysterious western festival, and also a festival can exercise courage, developsthe imagination.
On Halloween’seve, children will put on their suits, wear masks and go door-to-door tocollect candies.
2014年10月31日,在国际部举办了一年一度的万圣节party,这是一个让人无比兴奋的party, 是一个让所有热爱英语的同学们期待已久的party。
On October 31st,2014. international division held the annual Halloween party, this is an exciting party whichall the loving English classmates long-awaited party.
After the foreignteachers’ stories before the Halloween, the classmates have some understandingabout Halloween more or less, so the participating enthusiasm is very high, they are more passionate and more devoted intoit.
The Partybegan, with the guidance of teachers, the students are properly made the jackolantern. After an hour, the classmates finish the lantern. The journey offinding treasure, the students played very happy. According to one clue to findanother one, and finally find the "treasure".
In the middle of the party, we played some games such as passing the apple, the original andcreative games all gain your attention. We play with foreign teachers, theclimax of activity also one after another, the laughter of the students lastfor a long time.
Party不知不觉的接近尾声,“trick or treat”环节同样夺人眼球。同学们拿起糖果,穿着特别的衣服,走进校园,开始了万圣节的经典环节。
The partydraws to a close, "trick or treat" part is also attract our attention.The students dressed in special clothes, walked into the campus with thecandies and began the classic part of Halloween.
Through this interactiveactivity, our students made a lot of dialogues with the main building teachersand in order to eliminate the strangeness between students, exercise thestudents' courage, improve the oral English and made a great success.