Global Business Challenge 2015
The CIMA Global Business Challenge is an international business competition for undergraduates around the world, designed to bring out the best in the young business leaders of tomorrow.
By working together as a team of four to present a business case study, it is a great opportunity for you to showcase your talent in business management, and learn how to become the business leaders of the future. You also have the opportunity to win a place at the global final in Warsaw, Poland.
The competition is organised in partnership with Barclays, who share our vision of developing and nurturing young talent around the world.
你想成为万众瞩目的商业之星吗?为何不赶快拉上你的小伙伴参加‘特许管理会计师公会-巴克莱银行’联合举办的全球商业大赛!除了能让自己的求职简历亮的发光以及令人垂涎的精英实习机会,还有机会赴波兰华沙参加总决赛,在全球商业领袖面前证明自己。还犹豫什么?快来Prove Yourself ~!
CIMA 特许管理会计师公会(The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)
CIMA是全球最大的国际性管理会计师组织,同时它也是国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的创始成员之一。 CIMA 特许管理会计师公会[1] (The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)是全球最大的国际性管理会计师组织,同时它也是国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的创始成员之一,拥有17万会员和学员,遍布170多个国家。CIMA成立于1919年,总部设在英国伦敦,在澳大利亚、新西兰、爱尔兰、斯里兰卡、南非、赞比亚、印度、马来西亚、新加坡等国家以及中国香港和大陆均设有分支机构或联络处。 CIMA一直以来紧密结合充满活力和挑战的商界需求,坚持不懈地致力于企业财务管理及战略决策的研究和开发,提供了世界上极具权威性的高端财务职业资格认证。CIMA资格认证不仅为企业衡量和提升财务管理人员素质和业务水平提供依据,也为各行各业的高级财务人员和管理精英创造展示实力的平台和个人发展的通途。 CIMA资格不局限于会计内容,而是涵盖了管理、战略、市场、人力资源、信息系统等方方面面的商业知识和技能。它将使您具备高级决策管理人员的素质,顺利实现财务人员的角色转换,晋身国际商界精英之列。CIMA特许管理会计师受到了全世界的一致认可,许多世界知名跨国企业,如联合利华、壳牌、福特、艾森哲等,都对CIMA资格推崇备至。
巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank)
What is the CIMA GBC?
- The CIMA global business challenge (GBC) is an international business competition designed to bring out the best in the young business leaders of tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for students around the world to showcase their talent in business management. The competition is organised in partnership with Barclays, who share CIMA’s vision in developing and nurturing young talent around the world.
Who can enter?
- Find out if you are eligible to take part in the GBC
How does the competition work?
- The competition runs in three stages. The first stage is to write a 3000 word report with your team based on the GBC case study
The best reports will be shortlisted and then the successful teams will go on to present their findings at the regional final. The winning team at the regional final will then proceed to the global final in Poland to represent their country or region in the battle to become global champions.
What do I have to do?
- You have to form a team of four members and prepare a 3000 word report based on the GBC case study. Then, if you are shortlisted you will need to prepare a 2 minute team video based on a given brief, write a two page synopsis and present your findings to a panel of judges. If you go on to win your regional final, you will once again present your findings to a panel of high profile judges and participate in a question and answer session at the end of your presentation.
How much does it cost?
- There is no fee for students entering or participating in the competition, however charges may apply to mentors/ team advisors at the Global Final stage.
What is CIMA?
- CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) is the world's largest professional body of management accountants and offers a professional finance qualification in management accounting -
What will I get out of it?
- The GBC is about new opportunities and exciting rewards that will help you with your future career. You will also have fun along the way -
Do I need to register with a team?
- Yes, you must have four members in your team to register for the CIMA GBC. Each member must be a full time or part time student who is an undergraduate or equivalent, studying in university, college or education institution, doing their first degree, at the point of registration. Click the link to find out if you and your team are eligible to take part in the GBC
Do I need a team leader?
- Yes, each team will need to appoint a team leader.
What is a mentor and do we need a mentor to register?
- A mentor is a sounding board for your team and someone to advise and guide you.
- Mentors have to be university tutors or equivalent.
- A mentor is not mandatory when registering or throughout the competition.
How do I register?
- You need to fill out and submit the team registration form -
Once you complete the full registration process, you’ll receive a confirmation email with information on what to do next and the link to the case study material.
What support will I get?
- Each region has a CIMA representative who can offer support, advice and information. For contact details please refer to the regional page on the website -
When will I get the case study material?
- The case study material will be emailed to you once you have fully registered your team.
I have not been able to register for the GBC on time, what shall I do now?
- You can contact your local office to find out if the registration deadline date has been extended. Alternatively, you can follow the competition on Facebook and register for 2016 at a later date.
When do I have to submit my report?
- The deadline date for each region varies. Check the deadline dates here -
How long should my report be?
- The maximum limit is 3,000. If you don’t reach this, don’t worry. You can submit a report of less than 3,000 words. It is likely that you will need 2,000 to give a full response to the scenario.
How do I submit my report?
- Email your GBC representative or local office. Please refer to your regional page for the relevant email address.
What format do I submit my report in?
- All reports must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or PDF format. The cover page, contents page and appendices do NOT contribute to the 3000 word count limit.
Can I submit my report in my native language?
- No, all submitted reports must be written in English.
Who will asses my report?
- The reports will be assessed by CIMA recognised technical experts. They are CIMA members and practising management accountants.
How do I find out if my report is shortlisted?
- The shortlist will be announced through the following channels: o An email from your local region
• Facebook -
• GBC website, regional pages -
What happens next if my report is shortlisted?
- If your report is shortlisted you will present your findings at the regional final.
What happens next if my report is not shortlisted?
- You can follow the competition and get career advice on Facebook In addition, you can register for 2015 CIMA GBC at a later date.
Will I get feedback on my report?
- Unfortunately, we are not able to give feedback on individual reports.
What will happen at the regional final?
- Before the regional final, you will be required to write a two page synopsis of your report and prepare a team video based on a given brief. On the day of the final you will give an oral presentation using PowerPoint and then participate in a question and answer session with the judges at the end of the presentation.
*Depending on the country, there might be an additional stage before the country final. A country may be split into regions. Therefore participants will compete at regional level and the regional winners will then proceed to the country final. For more information, please refer to your regional page.
Where will the regional final take place?
- The location for the regional final will be announced shortly after registration. Contact your local office for more information or visit your regional page –
How many teams will I compete against at the regional final?
- Four to six teams will be shortlisted to compete and present at the regional final, however, this may vary depending on the region.
Can my mentor come to the regional final?
- Yes, your mentor can come to the regional final as an audience member.
What happens next if I win my regional final?
- If you win the regional final your team will proceed to the global final in Poland in August 2015. You will represent your country or region in the battle to become global champions.
What do I need to prepare for the final?
- You will need the two page synopsis of your report, your PowerPoint presentation and team video from the regional final. You will be allowed to make minor changes if necessary.
What will happen at the global final?
- You may be required to stay in Poland for up to four or five days, depending on how successful you are in the competition. The actual global final competition will be spread over two days. All the teams will present on the first day. CIMA will randomly draw the order and separate which rooms the teams will present in. On the second day, the top six teams will be shortlisted and given several hours to work on an extension of the case study. They will then present their findings to a panel of judges followed by a question and answer session.
How many teams will I compete against at the global final?
- 24 teams will compete and present at the global final.
When is the global final?
- The global final will be held in Poland in August 2015.