标准化成绩SAT 1560 (阅读+数学)ACT 35 GPA 4.0 卡尔顿学院 (录取)达特茅斯学院 (录取)玛卡莱斯特学院 (录取)威拉姆特大学 (录取)申请结果傅老师点评之美本申请优秀文书分享Personal Statement Topic: Cleaning Your Room Can Change Your Life Recently, during a futile attempt at cleaning my eternally messy room, I tripped over the leg of a chair and fell sprawling to the floor. As I lifted my head, I found that I was at eye level with the very bottom shelf of my bookcase. One book on it caught my eye—a book I had last read in eighth grade. I pulled the book out and began to read…. I read of a world where the written word is forbidden, where books and other printed material have been banned for decades. Without the printed word, intellectual life withers and debate dies. In the absence of debate there are no disagreements. In this dystopia, all are equal because no one excels and mediocrity rules. All are therefore happy. On the surface, the system seems to work. Enter Guy Montag. Guy is a fireman; that is, his job is burning books. He enjoys his job, for he knows he is making the world a safer and happier place. He is perfect product of the system…until he meets Clarisse. Clarisse and her family are misfits. In Guy’s hyperaccelerated world, they still enjoy walking. In his world, questions are discouraged, because asking questions is part of the process of discovery. Clarisse is expelled from school for asking questions. She has a natural curiosity about others; in her words, “I just want to figure out who [people] are and what they want and where they’re going.” Perhaps the most profound question in the book is Clarisse’s simple query to Guy:”Are you happy?” As he ponders this questions, Guy realizes the fallacy behind the “equality” he fosters. By destroying books, he forces people (including himself) to give up their individuality and ability for independent thought. They become dependent on the system, expecting everything to be handed to them on a plate. What did I learn from this book? I learned from the frenetic pace of Guy’s world to slow down and take time to enjoy life. I learned from Clarisse’s curiosity that there is nothing wrong with asking questions. I have always been an inquisitive person, but since first reading this book, I have become even more inquisitive about the world around me. Finally, I learned the incredible power of knowledge. Knowledge bestows the power to create or destroy. It enables us to judge and to choose. The ability to make decisions is what makes each of us so different and interesting. For me, reading this book was a life-changing experience. I often pause and ask myself:”What knowledge have you gained today? What power has that knowledge given you? How has it made you different?” One additional difference reading that book made to me was the realization that books and especially their contents need to be protected in order to avoid mediocrity. And thanks to Ray Bradbury, I now know that Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which book paper burns.卡尔顿学院招生TIPS 卡尔顿学院地处北方的明尼苏达州(Minnesota)的诺斯菲尔德市(Northfield),公认为顶级的文理学院,教育质量处于全国领先地位。该学院的教授实力很强,治学严谨。很多学生获得国家科学研究基金以从事研究工作。 在学术上,卡尔顿学院是公认的处于领先地位的本科高等院校。卡尔顿学院治学严谨,学院的教授实力很强。学校所有课程都是由教授讲授,而不是由研究生或助教代课,该校教师人数众多,师生比达到1:9。与其他同类学院相比,学校和班级规模都很小,每班平均人数仅为15人,所以学生与教授交流互动的机会大大增加。并且该学校不招收研究生。学校为新生提供15-20个新生研讨会,每个研讨会招收人数上限为15人。 此外,卡尔顿学院的学生实力也是有目共睹的,近年录取的50%的学生SAT阅读和数学的总成绩高达1330-1490之间。超过1/3的学生在高中时期在年级排名前10名。值得指出的是,该校每年都有一大批毕业女生加人科学方面的研究生之列。 2014-2015年录取数据:男生: 2762人申请,录取704人录取率: 25.5%女生: 3535人申请,录取730人录取率: 20.7%(waiting list 1275人中录取9人) 录取最重要因素:学校课程难度,班级排名,GPA 次重要因素:标准化成绩,Essay,文书,课外活动,才能,个人品格,校友,种族,义工活动,工作经验 面试仅作参考更多北美留学资讯,请联系傅老师留学工作室:电话: 13580349988 QQ: 976480473 邮箱: [email protected] 博客: blog.sina.com.cn/u/2646818784 微信公众号: lillyfu_usa