Seasons In The Sun

2016年03月29日 伦敦英语


 曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。goodbye to you, my trusted friend.

  嗟我良友,肇允已识。we've known each other since we were 9 or 10.

  牙牙学语,偕陟荒址。together we've climbed hills and trees. learned of love and ABCs.

  恩若手足,两小不疑。skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

  曰归曰归,良友孔思。goodbye my friend it's hard to die.

  白鸟翮翮,式鸣且喜。when all the birds are singing in the sky.

  春日载阳,淑女游弋。now that the spring is in the air.pretty girls are everywhere.

  苟其有佸,行与子逝。think of me and i'll be there.

  往昔阳阳,且诚且挚。we had joy,we had fun. we had seasons in the sun.

  春秋代序,汩若不及。but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.

  曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。goodbye papa please pray for me.

  嗟我父氏,谆谆诲辞。i was the black sheep of the family.

  令德来教,刑于妻子。you tried to teach me right from wrong.

  维我周容,久忘其旨。too much wine and too much song. wonder how i got along.

  曰归曰归,父氏孔思。goodbye papa it's hard to die.

  白鸟翮翮,式鸣且喜。when all the birds are singing in the sky.

  春日载阳,稚子游弋。now that the spring is in the air.little children are everywhere.

  苟其有佸,行与子逝。when you see them i'll be there.

  往昔阳阳,且诚且挚。we had joy,we had fun.we had seasons in the sun.

  春秋代序,汩若不及。but the wine and the the seasons have all gone.

  曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。goodbye michelle my little one.

  嗟彼佳人,与我相知。you gave me love and helped me find the sun.

  爰及矜人,慰我侘傺。and every time that i was down. you would always come around.

  夙兴夜寐,营我家室。and get my feet back on the ground.

  曰归曰归,佳人孔思。goodbye michelle it's hard to die.

  白鸟翮翮,式鸣且喜。when all the birds are singing in the sky.

  春日载阳,郁郁香芷。now that the spring is in the air. with the flowers everywhere.

  苟其有佸,行与子逝。i wish that we could both be there !

  往昔阳阳,且诚且挚。we had joy,we had fun. we had seasons in the sun.

  春秋代序,汩若不及。but the hills.that we climbed were just seasons out of time.

  往昔陶陶,且诚且挚。we had joy,we had fun.we had seasons in the sun.

  日月不淹,汩若不及。but the wine and the the seasons have all gone.


《Seasons in the Sun》这首歌,大多数人都是通过西城男孩1999年的翻唱了解的。其实这首歌由Terry Jacks演绎的版本早在1974年就在许多西方国家广为流行,同时也是唱片史上最畅销的单曲之一(全球销量在一千万张左右)。这首听起来带着淡淡忧郁的歌曲背后有个长故事。

  这首歌最初于1961年,由法国歌手Jacques Brel发表,原名叫做《Le Moribond》(将死的人)。歌曲的内容大致描述一个罹患癌症、不久于人世的男子,在面临死亡的时候,对父亲、妻子以及挚友的依依难舍。最初的法文版本翻译成英文大概是:

  Good-bye, my wife, I loved you well

  Good-bye, my wife, I loved you well, you know,

  But I'm taking the train for the Good Lord,

  I'm taking the train before yours

  But you take whatever train you can;

  Goodbye, my wife, I'm going to die,

  It's hard to die in springtime, you know,

  But I'm leaving for the flowers with my eyes closed, my wife,

  Because I closed them so often,

  I know you will take care of my soul.

  《Seasons in the sun 》被Jacques Brel的友人Rod MaKuen翻成英文介绍到美国以后,原本是由当时十分走红的' Beach Boys灌录,但录完却决定不发行。后来,参与录音伴奏的加拿大音乐人Terry Jacks为了追悼一位意外死亡的友人,便自己录下了这首歌,并征得原作词者的同意,修改了最后一段歌词,同时以轻快的节奏处理,使歌曲显得轻松一些,也就是我们目前所听到的版本。1973年,这首歌发行于加拿大之后,大受欢迎。之后在英、美两地都登上排行冠军,并风靡全球。



  一切过的都很不错,但上帝却很折磨人,他让这两个男孩同时爱上了B,美丽迷人的班花。结果可想而知,C默默地注视着他的朋友和爱人在一起。毕业后,C成了一名木匠;而A当了卡车司机,并和B结了婚,生下了女儿,B也经营了一家杂货店。然而,为了让家人生活得更好, A努力工作,常常要几个州甚至横跨整个美国送货,因而一个月只能回家一两趟来看看家人。相比之下,作为木匠的C就轻松多了,所以他经常来杂货店给B帮忙。




  虽然在法律上,A犯了故意杀人罪;但许多人却认为在道义上A也是极大的受害者。人们纷纷传抄他的遗言,Terry Jacks在1963年从朋友处得知A的遗言。他将其填入《Le Moribond》的曲中写成了《Seasons in the sun》。


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