倫敦大學國王學院為全英最難入讀的學府之一,在多個國際排行榜上位居世界前列。於最新的QS2015/16世界排名中,該校位居世界第19位,英國第5!特別值得一提的是KCL每年都提供給學生找工作所需的文件準備指導和面試練習,更在2014的Complete University Guide中的就職率排名全英前5!
課程 | 關閉日期 |
Global Justice MA | 六月一日 |
Jewish Studies MA | 七月一日 |
Implementation and Improvement Science MSc | 八月五日 |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Biology) PGCE / PGCE (School Direct) | no specific deadline |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Religious Education) PGCE | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education PGCE | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Mathematics) PGCE | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Modern Foreign Languages) PGCE | |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Latin with Classics) PGCE |
布里斯托爾大學(Bristol University) | 申請狀況 |
MSc Management | 已關閉 |
MSc Finance and Investment | 已關閉 |
MSc Economics, Accounting and Finance | 已關閉 |
MSc Economics, Finance and Management | 已關閉 |
薩里大學 (Surrey University) | 申請狀況 |
MSc International Marketing Management | 已關閉 |
MSc Marketing Management | 已關閉 |
MSc Operations & Logistical Management | 已關閉 |
MSc International Business Management | 已關閉 |
MSc International Financial Management | 已關閉 |
倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science) | 申請狀況 |
MSc Conflict Studies | 已關閉 |
MSc Economic History | |
MSc Global History | |
MSc Global Politics | |
MSc Human Rights | |
MSc International Migration and Public Policy | |
MSc International Political Economy | |
MSc International Relations | |
MSc International Relations Theory | |
LLM | |
MSc Law and Accounting | |
MSc Philosophy and Public Policy | |
MSc Philosophy of the Social Sciences | |
MSc Political Science and Political Economy | |
MSc Political Sociology | |
MSc Politics and Communication | |
MSc Economics and Management | 即將關閉 |
MSc Human Resources and Organisations Human Resource Management/CIPD) *NEW | |
MSc Philosophy of Science | |
MSc Political Economy of Late Development | |
MSc Public Management and Governance |
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