【2031年】新移民和年轻人将没房住, 澳洲将短缺66万套住宅!

2014年07月30日 澳洲悉尼地产投资


国家住房供应理事会(National Housing Supply Council)6月14日发布的住房供应与承受力更新报告披露,尽管在过去一年中房价有所下降,但住房市场的需求量依然超过了产量。



理事会发言人唐纳德(Owen Donald)说,过去几个月里的低住房营建率加剧了住房短缺危机。“如果这种情况继续下去,我们担心这恐怕会对人们的职业能力造成一些相当严重的后果,尤其是移民跟年轻人,将有可能无法住进属于他们自己的房子。”唐纳德说,“我们需要增加住房储量,但现在的增速却不够快。”




【最新实用消息】目前澳洲房贷浮动利率可低至4.63%*(CPR:4.82%),5年固定利率新低4.99%*(CPR:5.52%), 最多可以带100%对冲账号,抵消贷款压力。

对新贷款或转贷者,部分银行提供高达$1,000或$1,250的现金回赠, 但附带某些限制条件,有兴趣的可以亲自咨询我哦。

Shortage of homes 'to lock out young people, migrants'


JUNE 14, 2012 12:00AM

PREDICTIONS of a housing shortage have worsened, with a new government report raising the level of expected shortfall over the next two decades.

An update on housing supply and affordability from the National Housing Supply Council, to be released today,reveals demand in the housing market continues to outstrip production despite easing in house prices over the past year.

"The underlying housing shortage has therefore worsened rather than diminished," the report says. "The immediate prospects are for supply growth to slow over the next year or two.

"This suggests that, assuming population growth continues at or near projected levels, the undersupply will worsen."

The report projects that, while the number of homes will increase on average by 150,000 each year until 2031, the number of households will grow by 163,000 a year.

It predicts demand will outstrip supply for homes by 663,000 by 2031, up from the 640,000 forecast in the council's report six months ago.

Council chairman Owen Donald said low housing construction rates over the past few months had exacerbated the shortage.

"If that continues, and we fear that it might, then that would have some pretty serious implications for the ability of people, particularly young people and migrants, to get into homes of their own," he told The Australian.

"We need to add to our stock and that'snot happening fast enough."

Dr Donald said low levels of investor confidence, construction workforce shortages and lack of infrastructure funding were holding back new developments.

He highlighted the shortage of affordable housing for low-income earners as an area for renewed government effort.

"That is an area where I personally,and many of us on the council, are particularly concerned," Dr Donaldsaid.

"That is an area where the market itself is unable to step in unless it's incredibly highly subsidized because wedon't allow people to live in shanties and tents and the sort of stuff that people on very low incomes can afford themselves."

The report estimates there was a shortage of 539,000 affordable homes for lower-income renters in the last financial year, with most occupied by households in higher-income groups.

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