英国时间24号下午,UVIC接到内政部正式通知,政府已经对去年移民事务咨询委员会(MAC)关于工作签政策修改的调研报告作出回应,确认了工作签的政策将作出大幅修改,包括大幅度提高续签时要求的“有经验的员工”(experienced worker)的薪酬级别。
以下是内政部对于Tier 2 General (一般工作签)的修改决定:
We will increase the Tier 2 (General) minimum salary threshold to £25,000 in autumn 2016, and £30,000 in April 2017 for experienced workers, whilst maintaining the current threshold of £20,800 for new entrants.
但对于首次申请工作签并符合内政部“新生(New Entrants)”标准(例如:持有效学生签的毕业生在英国境内转工作签并且工签长度不超过3年)的最低年薪要求将维持现行的20800镑不变。
We will weight overseas graduates more heavily in the Tier 2 (General) limit and enable graduates to switch roles within a company once they have secured a permanent role at the end of their training programme.
We will waive the Resident Labour Market Test and give extra weighting within the Tier 2 (General) limit where the allocation of places is associated with the relocation of a high-value business to the UK or, potentially, supports an inward investment.
Nurses, medical radiographers, paramedics and teachers in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and Mandarin, will be exempt from the new salary threshold until 2019.
Nurses will remain on the Shortage Occupation List but employers will need to carry out a Resident Labour Market Test before recruiting a non-EEA nurse.
We will not implement the MAC’s recommendations that students switching from Tier 4 to Tier 2 should be included in the annual limit and be subject to the Resident Labour Market Test. We recognise the importance of maintaining our excellent offer for international students looking to undertake skilled work in the UK after their studies.
The Immigration Skills Charge will be levied on Tier 2 employers at a rate of £1,000 per person per year from April 2017. A reduced rate of £364 per person per year will apply to small and charitable sponsors. PhD roles, Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer) Graduate Trainees, and Tier 4 to Tier 2 switchers will be exempt.
30000+ 成功案例
100% 签证服务成功率
13年 英国法律咨询和服务经验
102家 大学和企业客户指定UVIC的签证服务
3个工作日 UVIC投资移民和企业家移民获批最快记录
UVIC英国移民签证中心是UVIC集团旗下的品牌,作为英国规模最大的签证移民法律事务所之一, 工签担保人资质办理、企业家移民申请全英领先。不仅提供权威的英国移民和签证服务,并且为跨境移民提供赴英之后的极其丰富的投资,创业和社交资源。 英国企业家移民最新一季拒签率达到57%,而UVIC处理的申请通过率100%。