篮球巨星勒布朗·詹姆斯 (Wikimedia)
摇滚名人堂及博物馆 (Wikimedia)
A Replica 1902 Wright Glider/代顿航空遗产国家博物馆
Credit: NPS Photo / Tom Engberg
因其标志性的七叶树坚果,俄亥俄州被亲切地称为七叶树州(the buckeye state)。
在俄亥俄州,你可以参观位于克利夫兰的著名的摇滚名人堂及博物馆(Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum),在代顿航空遗产国家博物馆(Dayton Aviation Heritage National Museum)了解莱特兄弟的第一次飞行以及保罗·邓巴,当然也一定不要错过俄亥俄州的众多户外探险活动,比如远足、皮划艇、游泳,或是滑索。
“Ohio, The Heart of It All”
Many famous Americans call Ohio home, from basketball superstar Lebron James, to Hollywood director of E.T. and Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg. Ohio is affectionately known as the buckeye state for its iconic buckeye nuts.
In Ohio you can check out the famous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, learn about the first flight taken at by the Wright Brothers and Paul Dunbar at the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Museum, and of course, be sure to hike, kayak, swim or zip line in one of Ohio’s many outdoor adventures.
What are you most excited to see in Ohio?