CIS 2016届学生代表Isabella Qiu毕业演讲

2016年07月11日 加拿大国际教育集团

CIS 2016届毕业生邱同学(Isabella Qiu),在2015-2016海外大学申请中获全球排名第7的多伦多大学、全球排名第30的英属哥伦比亚大学等顶级名校录取。另外,她还被全加拿大排名第5名,QS世界大学中全球排名第96名的加拿大艾伯塔大学录取,并获得该校两项占一年学费28%的奖学金。另外,她被选为CIS 2016届学生代表,并在毕业典礼上发表演讲,分享她在CIS三年的难忘高中生活和心得体会。


Good afternoon everybody!  As a representative of graduating class, I am honored to be chosen by the graduation class to make a speech on behalf of all the graduates. Today I am here to say thank you to the teachers and all of our parents on behalf of the senior students. 

Firstly, after three years of tense and busy study, my state of mind at this moment is just the same as all the graduates. Although, I am joyful, the memories and nostalgia will follow me for a lifetime. All sorts of feelings come forth…excitement, nervousness, anxiousness, and overwhelming happiness.  I want to say thank you to all of the teachers at CIS on behalf of the graduating students; it is exactly your efforts that gives us sufficient knowledge to succeed but also the space to grow.  It is exactly your concern and love that allows us to confidently face all difficulties and hardships that may lie ahead.  It is exactly your care that allows us to complete our studies successfully obtain the opportunity of studying further.  It is exactly your tolerance that makes us learn to live in accordance with our own style, ideals, and interests. Your selfless dedication grants us with harvest and growth. You possess extensive knowledge and teach us without reservation.  Your considerations have made our lives full of warmth and made CIS feel like a home.  Each of your unique personalities and charm have been impressed upon us.  Your training and guidance has allowed us to forge a path on our road to adulthood.  I sincerely thank you! I will remember two talkative principals forever, the warmth of Ginny, humorous Megan, active Ben, gentle Miranda, rigorous Blair, the judo of Jonathan, caring Ivy, lovely Jane and the earnest Ben who taught us mathematics in our very first year. Meanwhile, I also want to thank all the staff at CIS, including those who have left Freya, Winonna, Meili, Maggie, Mandy and Eric. All of you make me feel incomparably warm during the last three years. 

However, in addition to all the staff of CIS, there are a group of people who supports us silently--our parents. Parents are the first teachers of children. They help us to differentiate good and evil, right and wrong, and the general concept of beauty, ugliness and morality.  They cultivate us with compassion, responsibility and honest traits, including communication ability, good life, and learning habits. In these three years, they were caring for us all the time, and they supported our every decision without complaint. I am here to thank all the parents on behalf of all the students; thank you for your selfless dedication. Thank you for supporting your children to take the international class. Your decision grants us with a better future, and meanwhile, we also made friends who are just like our families here. 

In these three years of high school we have experienced an incredible amount of life.  Not just school and education, but we have learned about ourselves.  We always thought that we are adults, even in Grade 10, but now that it is time for farewell, we find ourselves full of sorrow, realizing that we will be missing the connections we have and the love we were given at CIS.  Lastly, let’s make a common wish; wish our school to have a bright and glorious future. We also sincerely wish each teacher and parent to enjoy a good health and a long and fruitful working life.  Finally, we wish to all the future graduates to continue to create a better life, not only for yourself, but for the others around you.  Thank you! Thank you all!




   首先,经过三年紧张和忙碌的学习,今天我们都毕业了。然而,我是快乐的,和你们经历过的一切都将成为我这辈子最美好的回忆。此刻,我和所有的毕业生的心情都一样,兴奋、紧张、焦虑、无比的幸福。我代表所有的毕业生,感谢CIS的所有的老师。你们的孜孜不倦,给予我们丰富的知识;你们的呕心沥血,让我们身心得以成长;你们的无私关爱,使我们能够自信地面对所有的困难;你们的辛勤培育,使我们能够成功地完成学业并获得继续进修的机会。你们的宽容,让我们学会按照自己的风格、理想和兴趣生活。你们的无私的奉献使我们有了收获和成长。你们不计成本,倾囊相授,百炼成钢。你们无微不至的关爱让我们的生活充满了温暖,CIS就是我们温暖的家。你们的每一位独特的个性和魅力都给我们留下了深刻的印象。你们的教导给了我一盏领路的航灯,让我的人生不会迷失,让我在成功的路上扬帆起航。我真诚地感谢您们!我永远都不会忘记两位健谈的校长,热情温暖的Ginny老师,幽默的Megan老师,活跃的Ben老师,温柔的Miranda老师,严谨的Blair老师,擅长柔道的Jonathan老师,关爱学生的Ivy,可爱的Jane和高一时候认真的数学老师-Ben。同时,我还要感谢CIS所有的教职工,包括已经离职的WinonnaMeili, Maggie,Mandy 和 Eric。你们让我在过去的三年里,时刻都感到无比的温暖。




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