
2016年07月20日 环球移民加拿大团聚移民


加拿大永久居民都可能因为不同的原因,被取消永久居民身份,及下令离开加拿大。被命令离开加拿大的人士,通常都会接获有关的离境令(Removal Order)。由于离境令(Removal Order)的名目不同,以至一些收到离境令的人士大惑不解,甚至不知所措。

离境令(Removal Order)是因应事件的严重性而分为三种,每种命令,有不同的含义及法律效力。根据《移民及难民保护规则》(Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations)第223 条:离境令(Removal Order)分为以下三种:

  1. Departure Order

  2. Exclusion Orde

  3. Deportation Order

Departure Order

  1. If you received a Departure Order and

    you do not need an ARC. You may return to Canada subject to normal examination at the port of entry.

    • left Canada within the required 30 days and

    • verified your departure with a Canadian immigration officer at the port of exit

  2. If you left the country without verifying your departure, or more than 30 days after the Departure Order was issued, the Departure Order automatically becomes a Deportation Order and you need to apply for an ARC (see point 3 below).

Departure Order生效后30 天内离开加拿大的人士,日后是可以再入境加拿大而无须要获得移民部的批准(仍须持有有效护照及签证)。有一点很重要,就是有关人士如在离开令(DepartureOrder)生效30天后仍没离开加拿大,Departure Order便自动成为驱逐令Deportation Order

Exclusion Orde

  1. If you were issued an Exclusion Order and

    you do not need an ARC. You may return to Canada subject to normal examination at the port of entry.

    • 12 months have passed since you left Canada and

    • you have a Certificate of Departure (IMM 0056B) showing the date you left Canada

  2. If you wish to return to Canada less than 12 months after the Exclusion Order was issued, or do not have a Certificate of Departure, you need to apply for an ARC.

凡因为Exclusion Order而离开加拿大的人士,最少一年内不能再进入加拿大,除非事前获移民部的书面批准。

Deportation Order 

If you have been the subject of a Deportation Order you will need to apply for an ARC.

凡因为Deportation Order而离开加拿大的人士,将永久不能再进入加拿大,除非事前获移民部的书面批准。




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