37C Meliora Pl, Avondale
电: 021 493 660 免费直线: 09 215 2686
诚征房源 诚征房源 诚征房源
免费电视电台房源推荐: Alex主持谈房说地节目 每周,由Alex主持的热门房产节目“谈房说地”覆盖最新的房产动态和 Alex的新盘上市,让您的房源得到最大的媒体曝光率,让更多的买家第一时间知道您的房产上市信息。节目覆盖最新的房产资讯,最专业的房产评论,最独家的房产走势分析。您的房源广告散布WTV28 和AM936 (每周五,周六,周一播出) 免费的各大超市电子银幕 Alex 的 listing广告覆盖各大华人洋人超市,让买家在每日最便捷的日程中看到您的房源上市信息。 免费的微信推广 Alex的微信公众号拥有几百个关注的用户,每次新盘的阅读量在 200-2000之间,让更多的华人朋友不会错失最新的好房源。 多个资源分享 Alex拥有长达9年的房产销售经验,累计了超过500多个长期固定客户和超过2000多个正在寻找买房的买家。每当您的房产新上市时,这些客户都将第一时间收到我们的通知和Open home邀请。 团队精神成功道路的第一步 将您把房产独家给Alex代理的同时,Alex 的专业团队有多个买家中介, 可同时推荐本团队的房源给自己的买家,房源关注量极速上升。 最专业的建议 Alex已售出近千套房源,在售房期间,多次房东遇见问题时都能第一时间帮助房东解决,给予最专业最便捷的解决方案。
非一般的广告配置 除了以上几个Alex独家免费推广的广告外,我们团推也同时推出各大免费媒体广告,包裹,聚佳地产,后花园网站,Skykiwi等等 *请来电查询更多我们提供的售房计划,免费为您的房屋提供免费估价。 *特殊条件限制 致电:Alex 021 493 660
"Alex is easily the most proactive and gracious estate agent I've ever met. He bent over backwards to secure the house we wanted and was even on hand to provide support to me and my family when we arrived in New Zealand. A lovely chap! Full Marks!"
Chris Moseley (英国买家,房东)
"We chose Alex to sell our house because of his great sales record, and we were not disappointed. He was great to work with, courteous and professional, and he always responded quickly to any questions we had. His experience and market knowledge really showed, and he achieved a fantastic result for us, with our house selling after only two weeks on the market, for far above what we expected."
Katrina Ford and Lawrence Maxwell (洋人律师)
"I did not know what to expect when dealing with Barfoot and Thompson as we had only bought and sold one each over the 11 years. Alex was a recommendation from a friend and has blown us away. He is a top achiever for his branch and is not pushing or negative. The best thing about Alex he will listen to you and has a very good client base and that not the case with some other Barfoot Agent in my experience.
I have recommended Alex and will continue to recommend him to all my friends and clients and tell them to expect nothing but the best service and price for what they want. I have sold a total of 4 properties estimated at 1.8 Mill and very happy with the results. My trust in Alex paid off. He even took me and my family out for a meal to celebrate and that was a very kind gesture, he couldn't have" .
Tyrel D'souza (印度房东)
"I had absolutely no hesitation when purchasing my property with Alex. His experience and networking had been a great help to me. During and after purchase my house, Alex has been helping me finding house information, introduced solicitor, builder, valuator and building inspector. I appreciate very much from all of your help for my first home".
James Zhang (中国买家)