LinkedIn 领英以262亿美元被微软收购!这个消息令每一个领英用户和职场人士激动人心。LinkedIn 是世界上最大的职场社交平台,全球用户已经超过四亿三千万;领英中国用户数突破2000万,企业用户超过600家。相信未来将迎来更加迅猛的发展态势。
身在美国职场十五年,LinkedIn 已经成为我与其他专业人士进行 networking 的重要社交工具。同时我也会常常收到来自美国甚至中国的职场人士的领英连接邀请 (Invitation to connect)。
可是如果邀请时仅仅简单的一句"I'dlike to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn“ 似乎有点意犹未尽,力显单薄;而接受邀请时仅仅点击一下"Accept ", 也不能最大地发挥出领英的威力,建立最有效的职场社交关系。
因此,我总结了几个领英连接邀请的经验和范例,帮助不论是在美国还是世界各地的LinkedIn 用户更加事半功倍,成为职场社交达人。
It was a great pleasure meeting you at the CFA Society luncheon yesterday. I really enjoyed talking to you and other professionals. I look forward to seeing you again in the future CFA Society gatherings.
请注意在上面的例文中并没有提到“邀请”。因为对方收到信件时会看到自动添加的标题 “Invitation to connect on LinkedIn”,而邀请信是有字数限制的,所以我们要惜字如金,在有限的篇幅里表达最有效的信息。
I was very impressed by reading your professional profile. I look forward to networking with you and getting to know you and your expertise. If I can be of assistance in anything in the future, please let me know.
Thank you for accepting my invitation to connect on LinkedIn. Currently, I am pursuing my Master's in Accounting at The University of Texas at Dallas with expected graduation in May 2017. Attached with this email is my resume. I am interested in working in auditing and currently looking for internship opportunities. It would be greatly appreciated if you could give me some advice. Thank you so much in advance. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.
Thanks for your invitation to connect on LinkedIn, which I have accepted. Currently, I am pursuing my Master's in Accounting at The University of Texas at Dallas with expected graduation in May 2017. Attached with this email is my resume. I am interested in working in auditing and currently looking for internship opportunities. It would be greatly appreciated if you could give me some advices. Thank you so much in advance. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.
2016年5月,我参加了在加拿大多伦多市举行的Government Finance Officers Association(GFOA) of the United States and Canada 美国及加拿大政府财务官员2016年会。会议结束之后,我向与会的一个讲员发出了Invitation to connect on LinkedIn.
It was a great pleasure meeting you at the 2016 GFOA in Toronto. I was very impressed by your presentation on strategies for public investing. If I can be of assistance in anything, please let me know.Rowena Zhang, CPA, CFA Level 3 Passed, Investment Officer, City of Dallas
Thank you for the invitation and for the kind words RE: my presentation at GFOA Annual Conference. It was a pleasure to meet you. Even more pleasing to me is to meet somewhat with your credentials working with public funds, which is rare but desperately needed! I hope you continue to enlighten City of Dallas with your expertise. Let me know if you're ever in New Mexico.
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