【美国多样化】– 散居社区 – 美国的锡克教徒

2017年01月05日 美国驻华大使馆

扎斯比尔·康医生在尤巴城行医,他在社区服务方面卓有建树,并努力帮助他人理解锡克文化和锡克教。(© Dean Tokuno)





#AmericanDiversity – Diaspora Communities – Sikhs in America [Erik]

Immigrants often like to settle in places that resemble the landscape and climate of their native land.  So it is not surprising that Punjabi immigrants from South Asia have settled in Northern California’s Sacramento Valley – an agricultural land and river system similar to their homeland.  

The first wave of these immigrants came in beginning of the 20th century and a Sikh Temple was established in 1912 in Stockton, California.  Today, these Punjabi Americans are among California’s more successful farmers and have integrated into the community sharing their rich culture, as well as giving back to their new country.  

What do you know about American Sikhs? To learn more see (ch): http://go.usa.gov/x94J8 

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