我们很高兴邀请到两位全球经济和中国商务专家,Northern Trust的首席经济学家Carl R. Tannenbaum先生和PwC的财务顾问合伙人Belinda Deng女士在2017年中国新年晚宴上分享他们的见解。您还将有机会与其它金融行业人士互相交流、共同庆祝中国农历鸡年的到来。
Carl R. Tannenbaum,Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, Northern Trust
Carl Tannenbaum is the Chief Economist for Northern Trust. Prior to joining Northern Trust, Carl led a team at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago whose charter was to analyze financial risk, its implication for the broad economy and policy choices to address it. He served as the head of the entire Federal Reserve System's risk group in Washington for a year, working closely with Federal Reserve System Governors and senior officials. Preceding his work at the Federal Reserve, Carl served as chief economist and head of balance sheet management at LaSalle Bank/ABN AMRO, where he worked for 24 years.
He received a bachelor's degree in finance and economics and a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Chicago. He is a past chairman of the Conference of Business Economists and also a past president of the National Association for Business Economics and the North American Asset/Liability Management Association.
Belinda Deng
Partner - Finance Advisory, PwC
(Speaker Bio Coming Soon)
时间: 2017年2月13日,周一 5:30pm - 8:00 pm
地点:TBD (Chicago Loop)
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