【活动】 民谣飞跃太平洋: 越过石林又见蓝岭(地点:国家大剧院) 1月13日,星期五,晚7点

2017年01月04日 美国驻华大使馆

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Folk Music Crosses the Pacific: An American folk band in the Stone Forest

民谣飞跃太平洋 : 越过石林又见蓝岭

January 13, 2017 7:00pm at NCPA ( 国家大剧院 )

云南石林的民乐与美国蓝岭之音在转角相遇,民谣传统在国家大剧院的这次前无古人的音乐会晤,将呈现一场精妙绝伦的艺术演出。特邀演出的来自北卡罗来纳州的亚布拉基亚山民谣故乡 “Jenny-Hog Drovers 乐队 ” 和我们云南石林本土彝族撒尼民乐组合 “ 蛮虎乐队 ” ,在传统民谣音乐的探险者 “ 高山乐队 ” (原 “ 胡同黄鼠狼 ” 乐队)的带领下,已在大理喜林苑完成为期一周的对传统音乐歌舞的分享、交流、探索和融合。这是一次绝佳的机会来见证和体会美国民谣卡农漂洋过海碰撞中国传统民乐的震撼。

The music of Yunnan’s Stone Forest meets the American Blue Ridge Mountains, in this unprecedented meeting of folk traditions at the National Center for the Performing Arts. Visiting North Carolina-based traditional Appalachian music band Jenny and the Hog Drovers and the ethnic Sani traditional band Manhu (Ferocious Tigers) from Shilin in Yunnan have spent a week together at Dali’s Linden Center in a collaboration led by roots music explorers Mountain High (formerly the Hutong Yellow Weasels), sharing traditions and learning each other’s songs and dances. This is your chance to witness ancient Chinese songs leap the Pacific Ocean into the American cannon, and vice versa.

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