
2017年01月05日 AF一站式留学专家

 AF 专栏 

AF Education

Liam Carrigan   专属博客 


Handling Homesickness: A Survivor’s Guide


So, congratulations are in order, you’ve done it! You’ve been accepted into the American or British University of your dreams and you are off to pursue your studies in an exciting new environment surrounding by stimulating academic debate, new friends, a new home and a whole new country to see, explore and experience.


But yet all is not well, a few months into this adventure, you find yourself caught under a cloak of almost unshakeable melancholy. You don’t fully understand what your local friends are saying to you, many of the local rules and regulations don’t make sense, school has become a chore and overall you just find yourself longing for those lazy days back in your hometown, with familiar friends, familiar process and a familiar way of life. 


Yes, the dreaded homesickness has finally kicked in. 


Some people call it mild depression, some call it culture shock, and other, less-informed, people may just call it laziness. However you choose to define it, homesickness is exactly that, a sickness, a condition that cannot be ignored and needs to be dealt with before it starts to seriously impact on your studies. 


With this in mind, what can we do about it?


There are a number of simple steps you can take to combat this condition and minimize the effect it will have on your studies and your new life abroad.


So, here today, I will outline a few points. These are drawn from my own experience as I struggled to adapt to life in Japan, then Hong Kong and now Japan again. 


Hopefully, if you are finding it tough going, these handy hints will help you break out of the rut and get you back to your best in no time at all!


1) Keep regular contact with family and friends. 


I remember when I first moved to Tokyo back in 2006. At that time, Skype wasn’t really a thing, msn messenger (remember that??) was the primary form of communication and smart phones, with their numerous social media and communication apps were still a mere glint in the Apple R and D team’s eye.


In those days, it was tough. I really missed my family and the only way I could maintain contact with them was through a weekly phone call, which was ridiculously expensive for both of us. 


Today however, with the likes of Line, Whatsapp, Weechat and numerous other such apps, there’s really no excuse for not keeping regular contact with friends and family while you are abroad. If you’re having a bad day, as I indeed still have sometimes, then even just a quick message or a 10 minute chat with friends and family back home can really brighten even the darkest of days. Make the time and try to schedule a regular call with family or friends. Keep to that schedule and you will all feel better for it. 


2) Take time to explore your new surroundings


There’s more to most university towns and cities than just the academic institution itself. So make some time each week to ditch the books, and get out and see the place. 


One of my biggest regrets about when I first moved away from home was not making enough time to really explore the culture and get to know the local people in the city where I studied. Edinburgh was radically different from my hometown of Glasgow, despite only being about an hour’s drive away. Thankfully, by the time I moved to Tokyo I had learned my lesson and I made sure to fully acquaint myself with the city and its people at every opportunity. 


Getting to know your surroundings better has 3 primary benefits. Firstly, if you know a city better, then you will, naturally, come to feel more comfortable and relaxed there. 


Secondly, such activities provide you with an outlet, away from school, exams and the grind of daily studies. 


Thirdly, one of the root causes of homesickness is being uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. If you challenge yourself to enter more diverse and interesting places, then you will, over time, become less averse to change in your regular surroundings and routine. 


3) Utilize the resources and people around you


Homesickness, anxiety and the mild depressive disorders which sometimes accompany them can, in addition to their own debilitating effects, also give you the false impression that you are alone in your plight. The reality is, almost all foreign students, or those living away from home for the first time will experience homesickness to some degree. You are certainly not on your own, and with a bit of research you will find that most schools and colleges have support groups, regular social events and even counseling sessions to help you move beyond your problems. If that sounds like too much effort, then at least have a talk with a friend and see if they can give you some advice. The most important thing is not to isolate yourself as, ultimately, this will just make things worse. 


Studying abroad will, undoubtedly, be one of the best decisions you ever make, and it needn’t be scary either. 

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