
2017年01月24日 澳洲红领巾



From 环球时报英文版












(Top 10 popular Chinese dishes on foreigners' tables)



(via Cultural China)

在老外评选出的中国菜TOP 10中,排名第十的是腰果虾仁——

#10 Fried Shrimps with Cashews

Compared with the heavy tastes of Spicy Tofu, this dish is relatively light. Known for being nutritious, good-looking and tasty. Fried Shrimp and Cashews is said to protect the cardio-cerebral-vascular system and prevent cardiovascular disease. The shrimp is usually soft and easily digestible and accented by the cashews.



#9 Chow Mein (是广东话音译吗?

Chow Mein is a rich source of nutrition and has many health benefits including improving digestion, anemia and immunity. Extremely popular in China and all over the world, this stir-fried noodle dish comes in many varieties. Cantonese Chow Mein is the most famous in Western countries.



#8 Peking Duck

Now considered to be one of China's National Foods, the Peking Duck is prized for its eloquent taste and stunning presentation. This famous dish can be found at restaurants all around Beijing. Upscale restaurants take this dish so seriously that some even have their own duck farms and use only a special kind of duck for their specific Peking Duck dish.



#7 Won Ton Soup

Won Ton Soup, called "Hun Dun" in Mandarin, is a highly welcoming dish in China. Since China is a nation of diverse ethnic groups and different cultures, each region has their own shapes for won tons. Won tons are usually boiled and served in soup, but they can also be deep-fried.



#6 Dumplings

During the Spring Festival, Chinese families will get together and have dumpling parties. It is said that the dish was invented by Zhang Zhongjing, one of the finest Chinese physicians in history. Dumplings have a 1,800 year long history which is why it is one of the most popular traditional foods in China and extremely popular in Western countries. 神医张仲景发明的饺子?!中国果然人人都有吃货天赋,即使饺子最初是用来治病的,它也能演变为一道美食……



#5 Spicy Tofu (Mapo doufu)  

Spicy Tofu, known in Chinese as "mapo doufu", is one of the most famous dishes from Sichuan cuisine. The dish features the trademark "hot" spiciness along with the characteristically tongue-numbing nature of Sichuan's flavorful food.



#4 Egg-fried rice

Originally from China's ancient western regions, egg-fried rice has now become part of Chinese people's daily cuisine. Famous for its aromatic smells, soft textures and handsome presentation, one can easily find this popular dish anywhere in China, from high class hotels to family-run restaurants on the street.

蛋炒饭非常好做,而且仿佛随便加点料都能超级好吃。我自个儿喜欢加火腿丁、胡萝卜丁和杏鲍菇丁什么的,鲜嫩得不行。 不仅老外,咱中国人对蛋炒饭也是爱得深沉。不信,你可以听听哈林的这首十分魔性的歌《蛋炒饭》——

嘿 蛋炒饭! 最简单也最困难!

饭要粒粒分开 还要沾着蛋!

嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难!

铁锅翻不够快 保证砸了招牌!

嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难!

这题目太刁难 可我手艺并非泛泛!

嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难!

中国五千年 火的艺术 就在这一盘!



#3 Spring Rolls

Spring rolls are an appetizer, eaten either fresh or fried. They are usually eaten during the Spring Festival in China, hence the name. The dish bears very auspicious meanings as it resembles gold bars and people tend to link them with ideas of wealth. Of course, they also taste good.

春卷也算是古来已有的传统小吃了,据说是从春饼演化而来的。清代的《燕京岁时记》也说:“打春,是日富家多食春饼。” 以前的“富家专享”,现在变成了非常接地气的街头小吃,也算是飞入寻常百姓家了吧~



#2 Kung Pao (Gong Bao) Chicken

Kung Pao Chicken is the most famous dish of Guizhou cuisine. It is popular among both Chinese and foreigners. Ask a foreigner to name some of Chinese dishes, Kung Pao Chicken will be one of them.




#1 Sweet and Sour Pork/Chicken

Sweet and Sour Pork is a Chinese dish that is particularly popular in Cantonese cuisine and can also be found in Zhejiang cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Shandong cuisine. The dish is now popular all over the world. With its great look and taste, Sweet and Sour Pork takes the cake among foreigners' favorite Chinese dishes. 糖醋里脊是杭帮菜,粤菜里面也有。酸酸甜甜的滋味有的人非常喜爱,而有些人就觉得怪怪的了。 比如我个人就不太喜酸酸甜甜的菜,里脊?做啥糖醋的啊直接扔锅里做水煮肉片不好么!

这老外选出来的中国美食TOP10,你服气吗? 觉得还有没有其他好吃到炸但可怜的歪果仁没吃过的东西?






@Steven Grimm:

A hearty, Sichuan-style rendition of Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐) is a joy to eat if you enjoy spicy food. Unfortunately, almost everyone (including in China) dials the boldness way down, resulting in a limp bowl of chunky goo with a bit of ground pork and chili powder thrown in. Here's a non-timid version from Chen Mapo Tofu Restaurant in Chengdu. ……又是麻婆豆腐!

@Jim Gordon:

I adore spicy food from Sichuan and Hunan, I love the rich savory dishes of mandarin and Shandong styles, I'm a big fan of the dry-fried heavy spiced Uighur and Kazakh meat dishes of Xinjiang and Tibet, but I'm going to claim that more people swoon for the hard-core Cantonese favorite of fat rice noodles covered with any combination of meat, seafood, vegetables and a rich juicy sauce: some version of chow foon (炒粉). It's the ultimate comfort food. Beside the chow foon noodles, it's got to have meat or seafood treasures and some sausage, it ought to have fat, juicy black mushrooms, and it needs a variety of vegetables (except maybe for the g.-d. carrots.) 这起承转合的……先叨叨了一堆自己多么多么爱吃辣,接着又话锋一转,说炒粉打开了自己新世界的大门……

@Garrick Saito:

Chairman Mao’s Red-Braised Pork (毛氏红烧肉)! This is a braised pork belly that is ever so tasty. I wouldn't recommend eating it every day, as it is not the healthiest of meals, but I think it okay to treat yourself every once in a while. A pretty tasty recipe can be found here, if you're in the mood for a little cooking. It is relatively easy to make and oh so delicious. 最后一句太不矜持了……

@Victoria Weiya:

This is 臭豆腐 (chòudòufu), more commonly known as "Stinky Tofu". But don't let the name throw you! Once you get past the smell (okay, yes, it does stink a little), you'll find it's very savory and tasty. It's fried tofu, crispy on the outside but tender inside, and it's always served with a delicious, thick chili sauce that adds a yummy kick to the usually bland tofu. 居然能接受臭豆腐?而且还是你最爱的食物?嘿这外国小姑娘不错啊!

@Jeremy Kao:

Let's not forget desserts... that snow cone that americans eat.. got nothing on Shaved ice... look at all this goodness... grass jelly, these chewy (tapioca-like balls), red bean , ice cream, and fruits... too good. 天啊……仙草芋圆雪花冰!


甭说,Quora上关于中国美食的帖子还真是海了去了。一搜关键词 “Chinese food”,冒出来的相关帖子多得简直看不过来。

咱们来挑其中一个问题围观下—— “你怎么看待中国食物?”


@Judith Meyer:


In 2004 I spent 6 weeks in the university district in Beijing and I ate at a variety of cheap restaurants there. Since these were places not frequented by tourists, their menus were only in Chinese, usually without pictures even.


So I couldn't understand and I'd just pick a dish at random and then make sure it's not too spicy.


Eating random authentic Chinese food for 6 weeks lunch and dinner, I never once had a dish I didn't like.  


The same cannot be said about Chinese food in Europe; once you've had the real thing, you'll never like the Europeanized crap again.


I only had Western food once in all this time, and not by choice. A friend had requested pizza for her birthday.


在这个帖子里,我发现很多老外都在狂热地安利着各种中国美食,而且还特别积极地澄清说,一定还要去中国吃real Chinese food,国外的那些fake Chinese food都不正宗。

真得去一趟中国,亲口尝一尝当地的美味,你才知道啥叫“曾经沧海难为水”…… 比如这个小哥的回答——

@James Traimory:


I have had my share of both "real" and "fake" Chinese food.


Fake Chinese Food Verdict: Good.


Real Chinese Food Verdict: Better.


讲真,看着各国人民前赴后继地拜倒在中国美食的石榴裙下,争着在网上各种安利各种嘚瑟,还真的是很开心呢! ❤








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