城市介绍 |爱满地(El Monte)

2017年01月23日 美国星晨旅游

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El Monte,这座位于洛杉矶以东12英里圣盖博谷的一座历史悠久的美丽小城,最早被传教士和西班牙士兵所发现,他们在这片被San Gabriel river Rio Hondo River所环绕的的美丽富饶之地驻扎下来,并最终将这片土地命名:El Monte

时光荏苒,如今这座传教士们发现,建立的小镇,已经成为一个交通便利,居民众多,商业发达的现地化城市。北接210FWY,南下10FWY,东临605 FWY,这三条重要的交通干线带给这里的居民快速,方便的交通,同时也为城市带来无限的商机。昔日的小镇蜕变成全加州第51大的城市(2010统计数据),同时也一跃成为洛杉矶县88个城市中人口规模排名第9的大城市。在这座多元种族文化相互融合,和平相处的包容的城市中,华裔的人口数量也在不断地增加。华裔居民凭着自己对这座城市历史的理解,对城市文化的认同,给这座包容友善的城市取了一个中文名:爱满地。

友善,是El Monte 城市文化的核心。这个理念不仅体现在多种族,多文化的相互融合,和谐相处,同时也体现在城市管理者对商业经营者的支持。在保护居民居住品质和环境的前提下,市政府推动一系列的城市发展计划,吸引商家,教育机构的进入,提高城市居民整体的教育水准以及制造更多的就业机会。Longo Toyota, 全美销售排名第一的汽车经销商就位于El Monte。大型的银行如富国银行,华美银行等也在此设立分行。美国主要的零售,分销商Home depot, Von’s, Sam’s Club等商家的进驻在为居民提供生活方便的同时也创造了大量的就业机会。

El Monte, 已经成为一个深具吸引力的城市。面对不断增加的人口,城市管理者在积极引进商业机构的同时,也在努力提高教育和生活环境的水准。专业技能学院的建立为居民提供教育机会,正在建设的运动型公园,和已经建成使用的运动中心,老年中心等为居民提供锻炼休闲的环境。在住房建设的要求上,市政府大力推行严格的建筑质量的管理,同时也积极推行城市住宅翻新,鼓励支持高品质,价格合理的建筑开发,以为居民提供更好的居住条件。

El Monte, 这个昔日的无名小镇如今正在焕发着新的活力。在寸土寸金的圣盖博地区,El Monte必将成为一个新的热点其无限的发展前景,吸引越来越多的居民和商家的涌入,带来辉煌。

El monte, is located approximately 12 miles east of Downtown Los Angeles, in the San Gabriel Valley.

The city is situated between the San Gabriel and Rio Hondo Rivers, and residents claimed that anything could be grown in the area. Historically, explorers had found this area to be rich, low altitude land, blanketed with thick growths of wispy willows, alders, watercress, wild grapevines and cattails, located between the two rivers. Therefore, this location has also been a common place to rest for missionaries and Spanish solders back in the days. . When the State Legislature organized California into more manageable designated townships in the 1850s, they called it the El Monte Township, but it was rename to El Monte later on.

The City is approximately 7 miles long and 4 miles wide. El Monte is also considered the hub od the San Gabriel Valley, where two major freeways I-605 and I-10 intersect. Based on 2010 census, the city of El Monte is the 51st largest city within the State of California and the 9th largest city (out of 88) in the Los Angeles County with a population of 120,000 approximately. El Monte has an ethnically diverse and dynamic population with 72% Hispanic, 18% Asian, and 7% white. Based on Los Angeles times, there has ben an influx Asian population into the city in the past couple of years due to the proximity of El Monte to nearby cities such as Alhambra, Monterey-Park, San Gabriel and other heavily Asian municipalities. City’s land use are 58 % residential, 18% retail/office, 14% amenities, and 10% industrial.

As the San Gabriel Valley continues to grow so does the City of El Monte through new businesses and quality housing.  Many public improvements are underway to provide an attractive and safe environment for its economic growth.  The city has maintained a reputation for a "business friendly attitude" by attracting commercial and retail businesses as well as international corporations through its Foreign Trade Zone.  Other business tools include business financing through Grow El Monte, a pro-active Chamber of Commerce, and a Recycling Market Development Zone.  Several trade and professional colleges are also located in the city, providing workforce education to support local businesses.


El Monte is also home to Longo Toyota, the number one auto dealer in the United States by sales and volume.  Other major retail businesses include Home Depot, Sam's Club, and Sears Essentials.  Major industries include the Von's Distribution Warehouse, Wells Fargo Operations Center, and regional offices for East West and Cathay Banks.  

With the growing population in El Monte, community and educational facilities continue to improve.  New parks are being built to serve the growing population with many active sports programs.  A brand new Aquatic Center with three pools is located along the Tyler Avenue Heritage District, which includes the City's Community and Senior Centers, museums, and a public library.


El Monte also encourages quality housing developments through well thought-out architectural designs, use of high quality materials, and enhanced landscaping.  Promoting affordable homeownership in the city is vital in maintaining our quality of life.  The City and the Redevelopment Agency offer Homebuyer Assistance Programs for eligible households.


In addition, the appearance of its neighborhoods has greatly improved, partly due to various programs offered by the City, and partly due to the growing pride and awareness of its residents that El Monte is a great place to live, work, and play.


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