G类的烤鸭们不要再说我们偏心啦!每次都只提供A类的范文~ 我们也绝对没有忘记G类的考生哦!这不,G类小作文的范文即刻送上!这篇文章是一名无忧学员的练习之作,虽然词句和语法上有些瑕疵,但是这不影响这篇文章得到7.5分哦!大家不用对于7分有一种恐惧心理,7分的要求并不是完美,所以一些小错误是acceptable的哦!让我们来看看,这位学员是怎么写好这一篇书信的吧!
You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your manager about this.
Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:
· Explain why you want to take time off work
· Give details of the amount of time you need
· Suggest how your work could be covered while you are away
Dear Marita,
I’m (I’m I am) ①writing to you to request an ②annual leave on next month.
[Tutor’s comments: ①A letter to your manager is semi-formal not informal. Contractions “I’m” are only used in spoken conversation and informal writing between friends. ②‘Annual leave’ is non-countable noun so it can’t take an indefinite article ‘a/an’.]
As you know, I’ve (I’ve I have) been working here as a marketing representative for almost one year. Colleagues here are very nice and supportive①. I really enjoy working here, but it was really (was really has really been)② a tough year and I’ve (I’ve I have) worked hard to achieve this year’s goal. At this stage, I’m (I’m I am) feeling a bit burnout (burnout burnt out) ③, and I’ve (I’ve I have) just finished a project so I don’t (I don’t I do not) have anything on hand now. I think it might be a good time for me to have a short break.
[Tutor’s comments: ①I deleted this because your letter is a bit too long and this information about your colleagues is unnecessary detail. It also gives the impression it is the only reason you like working at the company i.e. you may not like the work itself. ②You need to use the present perfect tense here not the simple past because the year hasn’t finished. You said you’ve been working at the company for ‘almost one year’. ③‘Burnout’ is a noun but you need the adjective here. ]
According to my contract, I should have 10-day (10-day 10 days) annual leave which I haven’t (I haven’t I have not yet) taken this year. I would like to take it if possible① from June 15th (Monday) to June 26th (Friday), and will be back to work on June 29th if possible①. I would really appreciate if I could take annual leave on these days, so that I could (could can)② spend my birthday with my family.
[Tutor’s Comments: ①I had to move these words because it sounds like it might not be possible for you to come back to work on June 29th which I don’t think you mean. ②Here you need ‘can’ for ability not ‘could’ for possibility.]
Also, I’ve (I’ve I have) talked to Mike, and he can cover my work while I’m (I’m I am) away. Mike and I have worked as partners since the first day I came to our (our the) company, thus he knows my roles and all my customers very well. I believe that he can (can will be able to)① do a great job while I’m (I’m I am) away.
[Tutor’s comments: ①You need a simple future tense here because your break is in the future.]
If there is an emergency, you can always reach me through email and mobile. ①
[Tutor’s comments: ①This is ok but you should understand that in Australia no one would try to contact you about work while you were on annual leave. It is just not done. It is unlikely that there would be any situation arising that staff at work couldn’t handle without you. The company has no right to your time when you are on annual leave. ]
I’m ① looking forward to hearing from you.
[Tutor’s Comments: ①You don’t actually need ‘I am’ here as it is understood. You can just write ‘Looking forward to hearing from you’.]
Yours sincerely,
WORD COUNT: 229 words is a bit too long; minimum 150 required; aim for 170 to be safe
Covers all the requirements of the task sufficiently
Presents a clear purpose, with the tone consistent and appropriate
Clearly and appropriately presents and highlights key features/bullet points
Sequences information and ideas logically
Manages all aspects of cohesion well
Uses paragraphs sufficiently and appropriately
Uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings
Skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice or collocation
Rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
Uses a variety of complex structures
Produces frequent error free sentences
Generally good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors
其实一篇好的文章,并不需要多么长篇大论,有多少大词难词,亦或者又有多少复杂不常用的语法。只要能够扣题,回答题目中的每一个问题,解释清楚,并且用appropriate and accurate的词句表达出来,这才是一篇高分文章的必备。