
2017年01月06日 美国驻华大使馆

马克斯·博卡斯大使很快将完成他作为美国驻华大使的任期。你对他的经历有什么问题要问吗?自2014年3月来到这里以来,他访问了中国所有省份,与中国各地的人民见面,以促进中美关系。 他一生致力于公共服务,并说,担任驻华大使是他最喜欢的工作。在成为大使之前,他在美国参议院工作了35年,在那里,他协调国会批准了与中国的永久正常贸易关系,并帮助中国加入了世贸组织。 如果您有任何问题要问他,请在此留言。

#AskAmbassadorBaucus# - Ambassador Max Baucus will soon finish his tenure as U.S. Ambassador to China.  Do you have any questions for him about his experiences? Since his March 2014 arrival, he has visited all of China’s provinces, meeting with people around the country to promote U.S.-China relations. He has dedicated his life to public service and said that being the Ambassador to China has been his favorite job. Before he became the Ambassador, he served for over 35 years in the United States Senate where he orchestrated congressional approval for permanent normal trade relations with China and helped facilitate China’s entrance into the WTO. If you have any questions for him, please leave your comments here.

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