此次我们邀请来自美国伊利诺理工学院(Illinois Institute of Technology)的办公室主任瞿华女士和国际科技大学(InternationalTechnological University)的电子和计算机工程系主任May Huang教授作客EducationUSA超级星期六赴美留学大讲堂,为大家讲解美国大学的研究生教育、赴美读研的意义及其申请。两位讲员还会介绍各自学校的优势研究生项目尤其是电子和计算机工程类的专业。欢迎所有对赴美留学感兴趣的家长和学生前来参加。
January 20, 2018, Saturday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pmEducationUSA Super Saturday Session——Graduate Education andEngineering degrees in the U.S.
All parents and students interested in studying in the U.S.are invited to attend the EducationUSA Super Saturday Series Session on U.S.Graduate Education and how to apply for a graduate program. Ms. Qu Hua, Director of the China Office of the Illinois Institute of Technology, andDr. May Huang, Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department willexplain the reasons to study in an American graduate program and how to apply.Dr. Huang will also discuss electrical and computer engineering majors in theU.S. and what to expect in an engineering graduate program.Formore information, please click here for details https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2137.