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2018 年1月11日(星期四),下午18:30--20:30 赴美留学目的地之美国密苏里州
美利坚合众国由50个州组成,EducationUSA举办系列讲座,带你逐一了解美国各个州的情况。本次讲座,我们将带你走进密苏里州,了解那里的教育,经济,历史,文化等方方面面. 来自密苏里大学的校方代表将为您解答为什么要去美国留学,择校时要考虑的因素。
January 11,2018, Thursday, 18:30 --20:30 pm Study in the State ofMissouri
EducationUSA China is hosting a seriesof lectures, introducing each of the 50 states as your study abroaddestination.In this lecture, we will introduce you to the state of Missouri. Arepresentative from the University of Missouri will introduce Missouri'seducation, economics, history and culture and help you understand what isspecial about studying there.