
2018年08月30日 美国驻华大使馆

河内(Hanoi)人民在为美国参议员约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)建立的纪念碑前献花,向他表示崇高的敬意。(© Tran Van Minh/AP Images)

美国参议员约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)于8月25日去世。麦凯恩曾在越南光荣服役,后成为美国一位具有深远和永久影响的政治领导人。美国和越南两国人们纷纷对他表示深切的缅怀。

麦凯恩在美国参议院(U.S. Senate)服务达30多年之久。他最重要的功绩之一是作为参议员促使1995年的美越关系和解,成为他个人政治生涯上浓墨重彩的一笔。

2017年,参议员约翰·麦凯恩荣获自由奖章(Liberty Medal),表彰他为世界各地人民争取自由进行的努力。(© Matt Rourke/AP Images)

1967年,麦凯恩作为美国海军(U.S. Navy)一名年轻的飞行员驾驶飞机执行任务,在越南河内(Hanoi)上空被击落,遂成为战俘身陷囹圄,度过5年半极端艰苦的生活。多年后麦凯恩回到河内从事一项完全不同的使命——使这两个一度相互作战的国家愈合创伤,终于成为现在的战略伙伴。


U.S. Senator John McCain’s life and legacy remembered in Vietnam

Scores of people in Hanoi have paid their respects to U.S. Senator John McCain at a monument erected in his honor. (© Tran Van Minh/AP Images)

The death of U.S. Senator John McCain on August 25 has evoked an outpouring of sentiment in both the United States and in Vietnam, where McCain’s honorable military service and political leadership made a profound and lasting difference.

In the United States, John McCain served in the U.S. Senate for more than three decades. One of his most significant contributions as a senator was to help reconcile U.S. relations with Vietnam in 1995 — an achievement of both personal and professional significance.

Senator John McCain received the Liberty Medal in 2017 for his pursuit of freedom for people worldwide.  (© Matt Rourke/AP Images)

As a young U.S. Navy pilot, McCain was shot down over Hanoi, Vietnam, in 1967. He spent the next five-and-a-half years as a prisoner of war in extremely harsh conditions. Years later, Senator McCain returned to Hanoi on a very different mission — to heal the relationship of two countries once at war, and now strategic partners.

To honor McCain’s personal and political achievements, and to commemorate the wounds of the past, the people of Vietnam erected a monument on the spot where McCain landed after parachuting from his damaged jet. Today they pay their respects to the once prisoner of war, now a symbol of reconciliation.

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