
2014年08月13日 笨尼浩澳洲留学移民

助理移民部长Senator The Hon. Michaelia Cash今天宣布:




Prosecution of unregistered agent for facilitating migration fraud

An unregistered migration agent was sentenced for migration fraud offences in the Magistrates Court of Victoria, the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash said today.

The prosecution is the result of an investigation by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) into unlawful migration assistance to visa applicants. Maria Nani was found guilty today of providing false documentation to visa applicants in return for money.

Minister Cash said the former migration agent continued to provide unlawful assistance to visa applicants after her registration was cancelled by the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority, who had determined that she was not a fit and proper person to give migration assistance. Nani was found guilty of having assisted non-genuine applications for skilled and family visas.

In today’s hearing, Nani lodged a plea of guilty and was convicted. She was sentenced to a community corrections order of 300 hours’ community service over 18 months across all charges, fined $10,000 and ordered to pay $113.90 costs and $4075 in repatriation orders.

Minister Cash said where the department becomes aware of fraud, the matters are fully investigated and can result in criminal and administrative penalties.

“A person who is found to have wilfully lodged or assists someone to lodge fraudulent visa applications containing false or misleading information for migration purposes will be considered for prosecution to the full extent of the law,” Minister Cash said.

“The department works closely with other government agencies, both federal and state, to assist in the identification and prosecution of people committing fraud against the Commonwealth.”





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