[上海美国中心活动] 近期看点:爵士之夜/教育行前讲座/中美美术馆比较/领导力及慈善筹款

2018年08月23日 美国驻华大使馆


8月27日周一  18:30  美国爵士之夜:纽约歌手SachalVasandani畅谈爵士与个人经历

Monday, August 27, 18:30 New YorkVocalist Sachal Vasandani Shares Personal History and Discusses Jazz



The Shanghai American Center welcomes American jazz vocalist Sachal Vasandani.Incorporating some performance elements, Sachal will share with the audiencehis personal story and delve into a discussion of jazz. Jazz is a musical genrethat originated in African-American communities in the United States, primarilyin New Orleans, from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. With roots inblues and ragtime, for many, jazz is the quintessential "America'sclassical music".


This event will be conducted in English. 



独特的嗓音和歌唱语法使得美国爵士歌手SachalVasandani成为了当代最受关注的爵士歌手之一,曾被《DownBeat》杂志评为“年度大学爵士歌手”。从领衔摇摆爵士大乐队,到演绎慢爵士,他都游刃有余。他的爵士即兴演唱极具创造力,对和弦变化和节奏变化的表现十分独特。2007年起,他在各大俱乐部(Blue Note、Ronnie Scott’s等)、音乐厅(林肯中心、卡内基音乐厅等)和音乐节(North Sea、NiceJazz等)演出,也曾与Wynton Marsalis、BobbyMcFerrin、Milton Nascimento、BillCharlap、Michael Feinstein等众多杰出爵士艺术家合作。除此之外,他也是一名炙手可热的词曲作者和作曲家,并与世界各地许多艺术家合作,创作风格多样。他在GeraldClayton的专辑《Life Forum》中作曲的两首曲子,于2013年获得了格莱美奖提名。


SachalVasandani is recognized for his singular voice, with a tone and unique phrasingthat mark him as one of today’s most compelling voices. Thoroughly rooted injazz, Sachal has the swagger to front swinging big bands and the vulnerabilityto present definitive takes of classic ballads. His deeply creative approach toimprovisation across changes and time signatures is truly unique, and he hascome to be regarded as one of the eminent improvisers of his generation. Since2007, Sachal consistently has been touring clubs (i.e., Blue Note, RonnieScott’s), theaters (Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall) and festivals (North Sea,Nice Jazz). When he’s not leading his own groups, he has performed alongside jazz’sstatesmen, including Wynton Marsalis, Bobby McFerrin, Milton Nascimento, BillCharlap, Michael Feinstein, and many others. He is also an in-demand lyricistand composer and has collaborated with numerous artists worldwide in a range ofstyles and genres; he has two compositions on Gerald Clayton’s album LifeForum, which was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2013. A preeminent educator,Sachal bridges a strong technical foundation, disciplined, immersive jazzstudy, and an openness to embrace compelling music of all styles. Through hisworkshops, classes, and lessons at multiple institutions and performing artscenters around the globe, he has honed a style of teaching that is asencouraging as it is thorough. He currently serves as the Coordinator of JazzVocal Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia.


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15 minutes early to allowenough time for security screening. Please make sure the name used to registerfor the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.


Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.


8月28日周二  18:30  EducationUSA行前培训讲座

Tuesday, August 28, 18:30 EducationUSAPre-Departure Orientation



Congratulations on your letter of acceptance and on successfully navigating thestudent visa process! Are you ready to head off to the U.S. to begin yourstudies? On August 28th, EducationUSA Shanghai will host a pre-departureorientation for you! During this session, we will cover how to prepare for yourdeparture, what to expect when you arrive at the U.S. border in the airport,and how to best use services offered by your institution to adapt to campuslife, understand safety issues, and pursue career development opportunities. Wewill also discuss strategies to overcome culture shock, how to buildrelationships on campus, and address tips to overcome some of the most commonchallenges Chinese students encounter. Parents and students interested instudying in the U.S. also are welcome to join us in this information session.


This presentation will be conducted in English and Chinese. 


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15minutes early to allow enough time for security screening. Please make sure thename used to register for the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in theShanghai American Center, and we are unable to provide storage.



8月29日周三  18:30  [IVLP学友系列讲座]中美美术馆之比较










8月30日周四  18:30  是什么驱动了轮子——有关领导力和慈善筹款的那些事

Thursday, August 30, 18:30 What Spinsthe Wheel: Leadership Lesson from Our Race for Hope


8月30日晚,上海美国中心请到了企业家、慈善家和作家LenForkas 为大家带来题为“是什么驱动了轮子”的讲座,话题包括领导力建设,慈善基金的筹集以及如何与其他机构有效合作来达成目标等。

On August 30th, the Shanghai American Center will host Len Forkas, an entrepreneur,philanthropist and author, for a talk titled “What Spins the Wheel” duringwhich he will discuss leadership, charitable fundraising, and how to workcooperatively with other organizations to achieve goals.

Len Forkas是无线通讯塔开发商MilestoneCommunications创始人和主席,同时也是慈善机构Hopecam的创始人。Hopecam旨在通过视频技术让癌症儿童能和学校的同学们持续交流。2014年,Len出版了新书《是什么驱动了轮子:从为希望进行的竞赛中得到的生命和领导力启迪课程》。出售这本书的利润都用来支持Hopecam的项目。目前,Hopecam已将超过1500名癌症儿童与46个州的两万名同学联系起来,并与50多家医院建立了合作关系。Len参加过众多电视节目,包括CNNAnderson Cooper,Fox and Friends,WhartonSirius XMRadio等等。


Len isthe founder and President of Milestone Communications, a developer of wirelesstowers.  Beyond owning a successful business, he is the founder ofHopecam, a charitable organization that connects children with cancer and theirclassmates through video technology. In 2014 Len published his book WhatSpins the Wheel: Life and Leadership Lessons from Our Race for Hope.Profits from the sale of the book are donated to support Hopecam’s workconnecting children with cancer with their friends at school. Hopecam hasconnected over 1,500 children with cancer to 20,000 classmates in 46 states,and has formed partnerships with over 50 hospitals. Len has appeared on CNN’sAnderson Cooper, Fox and Friends, Wharton Sirius XMRadio and Baltimore/WashingtonDC affiliates of ABC, FOX and NBC.


This event will be conducted in English. 


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15minutes early to allow enough time for security screening. Please make sure thename used to register for the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in theShanghai American Center, and we are unable to provide storage.


Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.

上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540室




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