2018年第十七届西博会以“中国新时代 西部新作为”为主题,坚持专业化、国际化、品牌化、信息化的办展方向,积极服务供给侧结构性改革,打造成为推进“一带一路”建设,推动经济全球化的国际公共产品,逐步成为“一带一路”沿线国家展示发展成就、开展国际贸易的重要开放合作平台。美商会邀您参加2018年9月中旬举办的中国西部国际博览会进出口商品展。
1. 时间:2018 年 9 月 20日至 24日
2. 地点:四川省成都市中国西部国际博览城
3. 主办:中国国家发改委、商务部、外交部等16个部委、西部12省(区、市)及新疆生产建设兵团、博鳌亚洲论坛
4. 费用:美商会合作协议优惠价格,具体细节可与美商会办公室对接
5. 规模:展览面积约26万平方米,其中,专设一带一路国际合作馆(约2万平方米,西博城展馆4号馆)
6.1 商品贸易:设进出口商品各展区;进口方面,55个国家(地区)的企业确认参展;出口方面,中国28个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团,四川省内21个市(州)确定参展参会。确认将携相关出口商品参展。
6.3 服务贸易:设省内外进出口贸易通道、载体各展区;如,中国(四川)自贸试验区的高新、空港、青白江、川南片区,及多家综合保税区、出口加工区、保税物流中心,国家级、省级开发区已报名参展,主要展示物流、通关、法律和商业咨询、保险金融等方面的服务。
1. 与来自四川省内21个市(州)、四川以外的25个中国中东部、西部省(市)的企业高效对接。
2. 展期5天内面向50万人次的参观人群进行品牌展示和产品营销。
3. 参展企业可参加供求对接会(与推荐买家在对接会现场接洽)、促销节活动(组委会统一印制优惠商品手册,观众持手册到展位撕劵消费)。
4. 媒体报道 & 重要展商专访。提供综合性宣传方案,含专题图文、视频等报道。
5. 有机会接待中国省(市)政府领导或外国部级或地方政府代表团/企业代表团到贵展台访问。
有任何疑问,可以随时致电美商会办公室(028-8526 8761)或者中国西部国际博览会进出口商品展组委会联系人崔可宜(136. 6612. 6651)。
请于8月24日17:00前将参会回执发送到[email protected], 我们将统一发送给中国西部国际博览会进出口商品展组委会,报名成功后,组委会会跟各个报名的会员公司跟进参展流程。
Dear AmCham members,
In 2018, the 17th western china International Fair will focus on the theme of "New Achievements of Western China for a New Area", stick to the exhibition hosting direction of professionalization, internationalization, branding and informatization, proactively contribute to the supply-side structural reform, and create an international public product of promoting the “Belt and Road” construction and economy globalization, so as to gradually become a vital opening and cooperation platform for countries along the “Belt and Road” to exhibit their development achievements and carry out international trade.
AmCham southwest sincerely invite our members to attend the coming Western China International Fair Import and Export Expo in the middle of September.
The overview of WCIF-IEE:
1. Time: September 20th to 24th, 2017
2. Venue: Western China International Expo City
3. Sponsor:Boao Forum for Aisa and organized by Sichaun Provincial People’s Government.the member units include 16 ministries/commissions, such as as the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as 12 western provinces (autonomous regions and municipality) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.
4. Fee:Subject to AmCham's contract, please contact AmCham office directly.
5. Scale: Exhibition Categories:In the exhibition venue of about 260,000 m2, two "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Halls (of about 20,000 m2) are established
6.1. Commodities:55 countries and regions, 28 Chinese provinces (districts and cities), Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and 21 cities in Sichuan Province have comfirmed their attendence
6.2. Projects:Eg., Companies such as Sichuan Investment Group, Energy Investment group, Transportation Investment Group, leading enterprises in electronics, automobiles and equipment, as well as
domestic and foreign governmental organs for investment promotion, have confirmed to join the exhibition, showcasing their bilateral cooperative projects and seeking cooperation in production,
techniques, talents, funds and so on.
6.3. Services:Different districts in China (Sichuan) Free Trade Pilot Zone, as well as comprehensive bonded zones, export processing zones, national open Economic Zones, have confirmed to join the
exhibition, to display their services in logistics, Custom clearance, legal & commercial consultancy, financing & insurance, etc.
Participation Rewards:
If you exhibit at the WCIF, in addition to normal services for exhibitors, you may enjoy the following opportunities in return:
1. Efficient networking with companies from 21 Cities in Sichuan Province, 25 provinces (municipalities) in western & mid-eastern China.
2. Brand publicity and product sales to a visitor-flow of approx. 500 thousand persons in 5 days.
3. Biz-matching meetings for exhibiting companies (recommended buyers and negotiation face-to-face at meeting rooms).
4. Media exposure & interview to exhibitors. We will provide comprehensive publicity scheme which includes reports in forms of thematic graphics, videos.
5. Opportunities to receive visiting by Chinese provincial/municipal governmental officials, or ministerial/local governmental & commercial delegations from other countries.
Any quesitons, pls feel free to contact AmCham office at 028-8526 8761 or Ms. Corrine CUI, Organizing Committee of WCIF-IEE at 136 6612 6651.
Please send Registration Form to [email protected] before 17:00, August 24. We will forward all attendees’ information to the Committee. Once the registration is successful, the commitment will keep attendees updated with the Expo.
参 会 回 执
Registration Form
Company Name
Type of Enterprises(Fortune Global 500, China’s Top 500, Top 500 Private Enterprises, Top Industry 100, State-owned Enterprises and others)
姓名 Name
职务 Positon
联系方式 Contacts