
2018年08月18日 美国驻华大使馆


821周二  18:30 美国印太战略探析

Tuesday, August 21, 18:30 An Exploration of the U.S. Indo-PacificStrategy



The Shanghai American Center is proud to host guest speaker Brad Glosserman,senior adviser of the Pacific Forum CSIS in Honolulu for a talk on the U.S.Indo-Pacific strategy. Since November 2017, the USG has been using the phrase“free and open Indo-Pacific” to describe its strategic framework for its policytoward this region.  Mr. Glosserman will discuss the meaning andimplications of the “Indo-Pacific” concept for the United States, its allies,partners, and other countries.  He will explore how it differs from otherconceptions of the region, such as the “Asia-Pacific,” and consider thepotential and likely applications of the concept in economics, security andforms of government.


This event will be conducted in English. 



位于火奴鲁鲁的CSIS太平洋论坛是美国战略与国际问题研究中心(CSIS)下属的独立项目,自1975年成立以来,提供了大量政策导向的分析,推动了关于地区安全、政治、经济以及环境问题的对话。作为CSIS太平洋论坛的资深顾问,Brad Glosserman先生负责包括会议、奖学金计划、出版、行政等多方面的事务。Glosserman先生最近刚刚与太平洋论坛项目主任Carl Baker合作完成了一个为期三年的关于未来美国在亚洲联盟的研究课题,并即将完成一个有关日本3·11大地震影响的课题。他的观点经常被全球各大媒体引用,此外他还撰写了大量关于美国外交政策和亚洲安全问题的专著。Glosserman先生有美国乔治华盛顿大学的法律博士学位,约翰·霍普金斯大学高级国际关系学院的硕士学位和里德学院的学士学位。


Brad Glosserman is senior adviserof the Pacific Forum CSIS in Honolulu, an independent program of theWashington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). ThePacific Forum has provided policy-oriented analysis and promoted dialogue onregional security, political, economic, and environmental issues in theAsia-Pacific region since 1975. Mr. Glosserman oversees all aspects of PacificForum activities, including conferences, fellowships, publications, andadministration. He recently completed a three-year study with Pacific Forumdirector of programs Carl Baker on the future of U.S. alliances in Asia and isfinalizing a study on the impact of the March 11, 2011, “triple catastrophe” onJapan. His opinion pieces and commentary regularly appear in media around theglobe, and he has written dozens of monographs on U.S. foreign policy and Asiansecurity relations. Mr. Glosserman holds a J.D. from George WashingtonUniversity, an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University’s School of AdvancedInternational Studies (SAIS), and a B.A. from Reed College.


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15 minutes early to allowenough time for security screening. Please make sure the name used to registerfor the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.


Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.

823周四  18:30 美国的移民英语教育









824周五  18:30  [EducationUSA]申请美国商学院的最佳成功策略

Friday, August 24, 18:30 [EducationUSA] U.S. Business SchoolsInformation Session


本次讲座中,上海美国中心和EducationUSA请来了伊利诺伊大学香槟分校商学院研究生项目办公室的招生副主任Jeff Yacup,来和大家分享申请美国商学院的最佳策略。话题包括:选择MBA或MS项目时需要考虑的关键因素、申请商学院的具体步骤、增加申请文书竞争力的方法,以及申请美国商学院的策略分享等。


On August 24, 2018, the ShanghaiAmerican Center and EducationUSA Shanghai will host Jeff Yacup, AssociateDirector for Recruiting & Admissions at the Gies College of BusinessGraduate Programs Office at University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. ThisEducationUSA information session will focus on strategies to prepare a strongand competitive application for U.S. business schools. During this session, Mr.Yacup will discuss key factors to consider when choosing an MBA or MS program,clearly outline the business school admissions process, discuss ways to improveyour application, and provide insight on strategies for success when applyingto U.S. business programs.


Jeff Yacup 是伊利诺伊大学香槟分校商学院研究生项目办公室的招生副主任,负责为会计硕士、金融硕士、国际工商管理硕士、技术管理硕士、工商管理硕士等项目招收合格的申请人。在那之前,他在伊利诺伊大学领导力中心作过逾300场关于领导力的培训。他拥有弗吉尼亚理工大学的学士学位和硕士学位。


Bio; Jeff Yacup serves as anAssociate Director for Recruiting & Admissions at the Gies College ofBusiness Graduate Programs Office at UIUC. Jeff specializes in recruitingqualified candidates to the Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA), Master ofScience in Finance (MSF), Master of Science in Business Administration (MSBA),Master of Science in Technology Management (MSTM), and Master of BusinessAdministration (MBA) programs.  Prior to that, Jeff worked at the IllinoisLeadership Center delivering over 300 training sessions on a variety ofleadership topics to the UIUC community. He has over nine years of experiencein higher education which includes marketing management, program development,and most notably working as a Student Life Coordinator at Virginia Tech’sSteger Center for International Scholarship in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland.Jeff still does leadership coaching and leadership consulting for organizationsin the community and currently serves as the Board President of the YoungProfessionals of Champaign Urbana, a local nonprofit organization. He holds aBachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree both from Virginia Tech.



This event will be conducted in English. 



Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15 minutes early to allowenough time for security screening. Please make sure the name used to registerfor the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.




827周一  18:30  美国爵士之夜:纽约歌手Sachal Vasandani畅谈爵士与个人经历

Monday, August 27, 18:30 New York Vocalist Sachal Vasandani SharesPersonal History and Discusses Jazz



The Shanghai American Center welcomes American jazz vocalist Sachal Vasandani.Incorporating some performance elements, Sachal will share with the audiencehis personal story and delve into a discussion of jazz. Jazz is a musical genrethat originated in African-American communities in the United States, primarilyin New Orleans, from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. With roots inblues and ragtime, for many, jazz is the quintessential "America'sclassical music".


This event will be conducted in English. 



独特的嗓音和歌唱语法使得美国爵士歌手SachalVasandani成为了当代最受关注的爵士歌手之一,曾被《DownBeat》杂志评为“年度大学爵士歌手”。从领衔摇摆爵士大乐队,到演绎慢爵士,他都游刃有余。他的爵士即兴演唱极具创造力,对和弦变化和节奏变化的表现十分独特。2007年起,他在各大俱乐部(Blue Note、Ronnie Scott’s等)、音乐厅(林肯中心、卡内基音乐厅等)和音乐节(North Sea、NiceJazz等)演出,也曾与Wynton Marsalis、BobbyMcFerrin、Milton Nascimento、BillCharlap、Michael Feinstein等众多杰出爵士艺术家合作。除此之外,他也是一名炙手可热的词曲作者和作曲家,并与世界各地许多艺术家合作,创作风格多样。他在GeraldClayton的专辑《Life Forum》中作曲的两首曲子,于2013年获得了格莱美奖提名。


Sachal Vasandani is recognized forhis singular voice, with a tone and unique phrasing that mark him as one oftoday’s most compelling voices. Thoroughly rooted in jazz, Sachal has theswagger to front swinging big bands and the vulnerability to present definitivetakes of classic ballads. His deeply creative approach to improvisation acrosschanges and time signatures is truly unique, and he has come to be regarded asone of the eminent improvisers of his generation. Since 2007, Sachalconsistently has been touring clubs (i.e., Blue Note, Ronnie Scott’s), theaters(Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall) and festivals (North Sea, Nice Jazz). When he’snot leading his own groups, he has performed alongside jazz’s statesmen,including Wynton Marsalis, Bobby McFerrin, Milton Nascimento, Bill Charlap,Michael Feinstein, and many others. He is also an in-demand lyricist andcomposer and has collaborated with numerous artists worldwide in a range ofstyles and genres; he has two compositions on Gerald Clayton’s album LifeForum, which was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2013. A preeminent educator,Sachal bridges a strong technical foundation, disciplined, immersive jazzstudy, and an openness to embrace compelling music of all styles. Through hisworkshops, classes, and lessons at multiple institutions and performing artscenters around the globe, he has honed a style of teaching that is asencouraging as it is thorough. He currently serves as the Coordinator of JazzVocal Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia.


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15 minutes early to allowenough time for security screening. Please make sure the name used to registerfor the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.


Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.


828周二  18:30  EducationUSA行前培训讲座

Tuesday, August 28, 18:30 EducationUSA Pre-Departure Orientation


恭喜你成功拿到录取通知书和学生签证!你准备好去美国开始你下阶段的留学生活了吗?本次行前培训讲座中, EducationUSA将会指导你如何更好的为留学做准备、在机场入境时要注意的事项、在校期间如何充分利用各项有利于学习、个人安全、就业等等方面的资源。我们也会讨论你可能会经历的文化冲击、如何在学校建立人际关系、中国留学生最普遍会遇到的挑战和应对方式等等。欢迎各位对留学美国感兴趣的学生和家长前来。

Congratulations on your letter of acceptance and on successfully navigating thestudent visa process! Are you ready to head off to the U.S. to begin yourstudies? On August 28th, EducationUSA Shanghai will host a pre-departureorientation for you! During this session, we will cover how to prepare for yourdeparture, what to expect when you arrive at the U.S. border in the airport,and how to best use services offered by your institution to adapt to campuslife, understand safety issues, and pursue career development opportunities. Wewill also discuss strategies to overcome culture shock, how to buildrelationships on campus, and address tips to overcome some of the most commonchallenges Chinese students encounter. Parents and students interested instudying in the U.S. also are welcome to join us in this information session.


This presentation will be conducted in English and Chinese. 


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15minutes early to allow enough time for security screening. Please make sure thename used to register for the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in theShanghai American Center, and we are unable to provide storage.



上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540




如果你希望以邮件的形式收到将来上海美国中心活动的通知,请联系[email protected]



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