热浪来袭 大家准备好迎接悉尼持续5天高温天气

2014年11月20日 笨尼浩澳洲留学移民

根据The Daily Telegraph消息,从今天开始热浪将席卷悉尼大西区。周四温度将攀升到38度,周五39度。周六会回落到35度,下周一和周二将再度上升到38度。


Sydney, prepare to bake: Extra RFS crews on standby as fire danger increases

  • RFS prepares for extra crews with fire risks expected to be severe by Friday

  • NSW to swelter with temperatures reaching high 30s

  • Temperatures in Penrith to sit between 35-39 degrees over next five days

The Rural Fire Service is warning of an increased risk of fire danger from tomorrow, with five days of sweltering heat coming to NSW.

Sydney’s Western Suburbs will swelter under five consecutive days of temperatures in the high 30s, starting with 38 tomorrow.

Friday will see the mercury climb even further to 39, with 35, 38 and 38 expected the following days.

Extra remote area firefighters may be put on standby, with the risk expected to increase to severe on Friday.

Temperatures may hit hights of 39 degrees on Friday, with much of Sydney experiencing temperatures in the high 30s.

The city itself should be kept cooler at 32 degrees because of a slight coastal breeze.






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