
2018年08月22日 美国驻华大使馆


- 发言人媒体声明,2018821日,华盛顿DC

Germany Accepts Former Nazi Slave-laborCamp Guard Jakiw Palij

The United States expressesits deep appreciation to the Federal Republic of Germany for re-admittingformer Nazi slave-labor camp guard Jakiw Palij, who was removed from the UnitedStates on August 20.

During World War II, Palijserved as an armed guard at the Trawniki slave-labor camp for Jews inNazi-occupied Poland. He concealed his Nazi service when he immigrated to theUnited States from Germany in 1949. A federal court stripped Palij of hiscitizenship in 2003 and a U.S. immigration judge ordered him removed from theUnited States in 2004 based on his wartime activities and postwar immigrationfraud.

Press Statement from theSpokesperson, Washington, DC, August 21, 2018

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