- Brittany M.,29, 岁医学院学生, 威斯康星州密尔沃基市
What I learned from attending medicalschool
It is aWednesday evening and I am sitting in a meeting room with fifty other healthprofessionals. We all just finished a long day of work, but instead of goinghome to be with our families, we are coming together to discuss how nationalpolitics will impact the health of our patients.
My mentorstands up and addresses the room: “Things are the way they are because thesystem is the way it is. If you want to change the way things are, you firstneed to change the system.” I nod my head in agreement, thinking of all mypatients who cannot afford the healthcare they need, who cannot access healthyfood, who face discrimination at the doctor’s office, who need the system tochange.
I am a graduatestudent, studying to become both a doctor and a public health professional. MyMD/MPH degree will teach me about how to take care of individual patients andhow to think about the health of populations. When I graduate in 2019 after 24years of formalized school, I will still have 3-7 years of post-graduate trainingto complete.
Many people areshocked when they learn that I will not finish all my training until I am atleast 35 years old. And sometimes I also feel impatient when I watch my otherfriends take jobs with salaries, buy houses, and start families. But I think that all these years of work areworth it. I love what I do.
I am currentlyliving and working in one of the most racially segregated cities in the UnitedStates. We learn about health disparities – differences in people’s healthbased on system-level problems they cannot control. A lot of health disparitiesin America are seen in racial minority communities and with the poor.
When people arediscriminated against and cannot find good jobs, it is harder for them to buyhealthy food and pay for safe housing for their families. When they come to thedoctor’s office with high blood pressure, they need more than just medication.They need a better diet, a safe place to exercise, and less stress in theirlives. I believe that as a doctor, I should be able to do more than just givethem a pill.
I believe thatit is my responsibility as a future doctor to be politically engaged. InAmerica, doctors are one of the most trusted professions. Even as medicalstudents, our voices are powerful. I am learning how to call my localgovernment offices, write letters to the local newspaper, and schedule meetingswith the administrators at my medical school. If I don’t fight for my patients, who will?
We are going tochange the system.
- BrittanyM., 29. Medical School Student. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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