
2018年08月29日 美国本科留学


Dear ACT International Examinee 

This notice serves to inform you that ACT IS cancelling the September 2018 administrations Of the ACT test at Nagoya International School

ACT has recently received information that your test center was unable to complete the final readiness activity required to successfully administer the September 2018 ACT computer-based test. Accordingly, ACT took the difficult but necessary Step of cancelling the test administration. Testing at the test center Will not be rescheduled. Please do not report to the test center or contact the school. ACT Customer Care is in the process of removing your registration and will refund your fees in the next 5 business days. If you wish to register to take the ACT test on a future test date, please login to the registration system and locate a test center in your area. ACT is working with all of the sites that were not able to complete the readiness activity so they can be ready for future admmstratlons. 

We deeply regret that you are affected by this unfortunate situation and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.


这次名古屋考场取消,不知道是不是机考考场筹备工作进展不顺的信号,所以有可能会有新的考场取消考试,因此,希望所有考试的同学做好准备,每天检查邮件一旦出现了考场取消的情况,在8月内的最后3天,还是可以选择支付Late fee的形式,报名其他的ACT考场的。



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