新任维州州长Daniel Andrews确认明年维州人民将在澳式足球总决赛(Grand Final)之际享受一个长周末,公共假日定于10月2日周五,这一天将有总决赛游行(Grand Final Parade)。
“这将会是有史以来最棒的一次总决赛游行,”Mr Andrews上周二在3AW广播电台说,“我认为这是一个家庭聚会的好机会,共同庆祝这个标志性的盛事。每一个家庭的辛勤努力被认可,很多人都在承受压力,(用这个长周末来放松)是再合适不过。”
早至2011年,Mr Andrews还是反对党领袖时就不断要求引入这个假日,他呼吁当时的自由党领袖Ted Baillieu设立“Grand Final Friday”。
VICTORIANS will have a public holiday for next year’s Grand Final parade.
Premier-elect Daniel Andrews has confirmed the state will have a long weekend for the Grand Final, beginning with a public holiday on Friday October 2.
"It'll be one of the best grand final parades ever," Mr Andrews declared on radio station 3AW on Tuesday night.
"I think it'll be a fantastic opportunity for families to spend time together and to share in what’s an iconic event," he said
"I think that it's just about recognising that families work hard, a lot of people are under a lot of pressure, and it's just the right thing to do."
Mr Andrews has been pushing to introduce the day off since way back in 2011, when, as Labor opposition leader, he called on then Liberal premier Ted Baillieu to introduce what he dubbed 'Grand Final Friday'.
Over the several years since it was first proposed, the plan has been met with varied reactions.
Some critics are concerned Melbourne's CBD won't be as busy without office workers out and about on their lunch breaks, while retailers and restaurant-owners are worried about the cost of paying penalty rates for staff.