1850年由于在澳洲大陆南部首次发现了黄金,在全世界掀起了淘金热, 一时间从欧洲, 美洲和亚洲涌来了大批的淘金寻宝者, 其中从中国大陆的广东和福建等沿海地区就来了4万多华工, 当时他们称美国为旧金山, 将澳大利亞的巴拉瑞特称为新金山.
在澳洲的这场淘金热中,还有5万多名华人来到采金区。他们大多不是永久居民,单身而来,与人无争,由于华工勤奋心细,即使是在白人开采过的废矿和尾矿中,也 往往运气不错,这使白人感到嫉妒,终于酿成了几次有名的反华排华事件,使得华工的黄金梦大多变成血染史书的黄金泪,也给澳洲历史留下了不光彩的一页。
19世纪中期的澳洲淘金热潮,对于澳洲社会的发展产生了深远的影响。它在无数采金工人的血泪的基础上,为澳洲带来了文明。正如英国 著名作家狄更斯所预言折:黄尔的发现将结束澳大利亚丛林中的野蛮状太,停止流放囚犯,结束那种迫使牧羊人像猴子一样与澳大利亚土著一起生活在荒野上的物 质落后状态.
到了20世纪初,这里的黄金已淘尽挖绝,金矿主关闭了大小矿山,长达50年的淘金浪潮就此成为了历史. 淘金古城修复后, 作为澳洲疏芬山博物馆正式对公众开放.
A resources company says it has found exceptionally high grades of gold, zinc and silver near Pine Creek in the Northern Territory.
Phoenix Copper acquired the Iron Blow and Mount Bonnie mining leases from miner Crocodile Gold last year and has completed its first round of exploration drilling.
Managing director of Phoenix Copper, James Fox, said the potential to turn these deposits into a polymetallic mine was looking promising.
"The next six to 12 months will be quite an exciting time for Phoenix Copper," he said.
"Metallurgical test work, further drilling and exploration are all planned, it will be a busy period for the company.
"Pine Creek is approximately 50 kilometres away from the Mount Bonnie and Iron Blow project area and we're already using services in Pine Creek.
"And obviously subject to exploration and development results, we plan on using as many local services as we can."