很高兴宣布史蒂夫•毕根(Steve Biegun)将加入我们团队担任北朝鲜问题特别代表。他将带领我们致力于实现总统设立的实现最终、完全可核查的北朝鲜无核化的目标,这正是金委员长所同意的。 --国务卿蓬佩奥
Excited to announce that Steve Biegun is joining our team as the Special Representative for North Korea. He will lead our efforts to achieve the President’s goal of final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea, as agreed to by Chairman Kim.
北朝鲜问题特别代表史蒂夫•毕根(Steve Biegun):我完全了解这项工作的重要性——总统、你们和美国人民——以及为实现一个更和平的世界,你们对我们所有人的期望。问题很严峻,而且很难解决。但是,总统已经创造了一个开端,我们必须以此为契机,抓住一切可能的机会为北朝鲜人民实现一个和平未来的愿景。
I fully understand the importance of this job – the President, you, and the American people – and what you expect from all of us in achieving a more peaceful world. The issues are tough, and they will be tough to resolve. But the President has created an opening, and its one that we must take by seizing every possible opportunity to realize the vision for a peaceful future for the people of North Korea.
Special Representative for North Korea Steve Biegun
Link (en): https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2018/08/285370.htm