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Professor MalcolmMcConville and his team have made a discovery about the behaviour of theculprit behind Toxoplasmosis which could bring about its downfall.
Researchersare a step closer to developing drug targets for Toxoplasmosis, after gaininginsight into its unique feeding behaviour.
Toxoplasma gondii is estimated to chronically infectnearly one-third of the world's population, causing the conditionToxoplasmosis. It is most commonly associated with handling cat feaces and is aparticular threat to pregnant women and immune-compromised individuals, such asHIV/AIDS patients
It may even be implicated in mentalillnesses, such as schizophrenia and depression.
Toxoplasma has an unusual ability to infect anywarm-blooded animal cell, from immune cells to brain and muscle cells.
A study led byresearchers at the University of Melbourne’s Bio21 Molecular Science andBiotechnology Institute has shown, for the first time, the extraordinarycapacity of Toxoplasma toinfect and grow within these cells, is due to its very broad culinary tastes.The research was published today in the journalCellHost and Microbe.
Scavenging nutrients, such as glucose, from the host cellis one of the biggest challenges that microbial pathogens face.
Leadauthor Martin Blume and colleagues demonstrated that Toxoplasma isable to steal and utilise a range of energy-rich nutrients from the host cell,allowing it to adapt to different host cell niches.
ProfessorMalcolm McConville, senior author and Director, Bio21 Institute, at theDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology said that unlike otherpathogens that tend to only use one nutrient at a time, Toxoplasma gondii, can use multiple nutrients at thesame time.
“This may give these parasitesenormous flexibility as well as the ability to grow in a range of differenthost cell types,” he said.
“Being adaptable is good, but itcomes at the cost of having to make all of the enzymes need to metabolise thesenutrients all of the time, an apparently wasteful exercise.”
However,the researchers have shown that Toxoplasma repurposes some of these enzymes, sothat they improve nutrient metabolism, regardless of the nutrient being used.
Toxoplasma has managed to tweak its metabolismin a way that allows it to be both more adaptable and more efficient, allowingit to colonize a new animal or human host and grow very rapidly.
But its survival advantage may alsoturn out to be its Achilles’ heel.At least one of the enzymes that is switchedon all of the time, TgFBP2, is also needed when parasites are using nutrientsthat are not normally metabolised by the enzyme.
Whenthe function of TgFBP2 is blocked, Toxoplasma is no longer infective.
This new insight makes it possible to develop drugs thatspecifically target and block TgFBP2 and prevent acute Toxoplasma infection.
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