Part1 预约
I'd like a haircut, please 麻烦你,我要剪发
Do I need to book? 需要预约吗?
Are you able to see me now? 现在可以吗?
Would you like to make an appointment? 你要预约定吗?
Part2 到店
Would you like me to wash it? 你要洗头吗?
What would you like? 你要什么?
How would you like me to cut it? 你喜欢怎么剪呢?
I'll leave it to you 让你决定好了
I'd like ... 我想要 …
a trim 修剪
a new style 要一个新的发型
a perm 烫头发
a fringe 刘海
some highlights 部分染色
it coloured 染颜色
Just a trim, please 只是要修理
How short would you like it? 你要多短呢?
not too short 不要太短
quite short 很短
very short 非常短
grade one 一级(剃至3毫米长)
grade two 二级(剃至6毫米长)
grade three 三级(剃至9毫米长)
grade four 四级(剃至12毫米长)
completely shaven 全剃
Do you have a parting? 你有分发线吗?
What colour would you like? 你喜欢什么颜色?
Which of these colours would you like? 这些颜色当中你喜欢那一个?
Would you like it blow-dried? 你要吹干吗?
Could you trim my beard, please? 可以修里我的落腮胡?
Could you trim my moustache, please? 可以帮我修剪一下小胡子吗?
Would you like anything on it? 你要不要擦上一点东西?
a little wax 一点发蜡
some gel 点凝胶
some hairspray 喷发剂
nothing, thanks 不用了,谢谢
Part3 付费
How much is that? 总共多少钱呢?