传统的澳大利亚文化是什么样的呢?大家可能除了对澳洲牛排比较熟知以外,其他的还不是很熟悉,从今天开始到9月1日,The ARTHOUSE澳洲艺术画廊西餐吧里将让您领略到色彩斑斓的澳大利亚国家级的艺术作品,Jazz Music的轻轻环绕,吃着精美大份的牛排,澳龙,让您领略完全不一样的画廊用餐体验,成都仅此一家!
Other than beachs, kangaroos, koalas and "shrimps on the barbie", what else do you know of Australian Culture. Australia's first people have a history of over 40,000 years on the island continent and they have a fascinating culture deeply connected to the land.
This exhibition in the Arthouse has been kindly provided by the Australian Consul-General's office in Chengdu and will be here until the 1st of September. The paintings focus on the longest historic stock route in the world that is of folklore fame in Western Australia; the Canning Stock Route.
The exhibition reveals the richness of desert life; it tells a story of contact, conflict and survival, of exodus and return, seen through Aboriginal eyes, and interpreted through their voices, art and new media.
"We wanna tell you fellas 'bout things been happening in the past that hasn't been recorded, what old people had in their head. No pencil and paper. The white man history has been told and it's today in the book. But our history is not there properly. We've got to tell 'em through our paintings."
Clifford Brooks, Wiluna, 2007
武侯区高攀东路2号彩云天5楼The ARTHOUSE艺术西餐吧(导航:彩云天)
电话:028-69907559 18910404429