1. 60万医生签名抵制'伤医'
2. KTV店频现关门被指过时
3. 金价闪崩跌至五年新低
4. 中药注射不良反应增加
5. 互联网从业者男性占70%
6. 广电总局将调控真人秀
7. 宽带降费提速10月完成
1. 暴力伤医
violent attacks on medical workers
More than 600,000 Chinese doctors have signed their names to an online petition calling for the end of violent attacks on medical workers after a doctor was chopped down by her patient in Guangdong on July 15.
据中国医院协会(Chinese Hospital Association)在全国316家医院对医务人员(medical workers)和患者(patients)进行了调查,调查显示,暴力伤医案件呈现上升趋势(on the rise)。调查分析指出,导致暴力伤医事件的直接原因是不满意诊疗结果(unsatisfactory treatment)、医患沟通不到位(poor communication between patients and doctors)、新闻媒体报道不客观(distorted media reports)激化医患矛盾、诊疗费用高(high medical costs)、医务人员服务态度差(poor service attitude);根本原因是社会冲突(social conflict)积累过多、信任缺失(loss of trust)、医疗资源供求矛盾(unbalanced demand and supply of medical resources)突出。
emergency room 急诊室
reception room 侯诊室
in-patient department 住院部
zero tolerance 零容忍
heated dispute 激烈争执
adjust a dispute 调解纠纷
resolve disputes between doctors and patients 解决医患纠纷
2. 密室逃脱
room escape
KTV studios are places filled with memories of a generation, but now they are suffering from falling revenues, in a trend that sees young people seeking new options for entertainment, such as night clubs, board games and room escape venues(see photo).
Room escape就是"密室逃脱"的意思,其中escape就是"逃跑、逃避"的意思。它既可以作动词,如escape from prison(越狱),escape reality(逃避现实)和escape summer heat(避暑)等,也可以作名词,如a narrow escape(九死一生)等。
"密室逃脱"是一个很流行的游戏,在这个游戏中,玩家付钱让别人把自己锁在一个迷宫(maze)里。这个迷宫由几个黑暗瘆人的密室(dark and eerie rooms)组成。玩家只有很少的几个线索,他们需要借助这些线索,采取不同技巧(a variety of skills),在指定的时间里把自己从密室里解脱出来。逃脱的路线可能是一个隐秘的活动天窗(trapdoor),也可能是连做梦都想不到的、看似无法征服的激光迷宫(laser maze)。
chicken vs eagle 老鹰捉小鸡
rubber band skipping 跳皮筋
iron ring pushing 滚铁环
paper folding 折纸
hopscotch 跳房子
turned rope 翻毛线
tug-of-war 拔河
3. 金条储备
bullion reserves
China increased its bullion reserves on July 17 for the first time since 2009.
金条可以用"bullion"或"gold bar"表示,常见的金饰品有金手镯(gold bracelet),金耳环(gold earring),金项链(gold necklace)和金戒指(gold ring)等。金、银以及铂金(platinum)均属于贵金属(precious metal)。Reserve为储备的意思,如人才储备(personnel reserve)、外汇储备(foreign-exchange reserve)等。Reserve常用来表示"保留"。现在不仅在书上、CD 上,还有网站上都常会出现All rights reserved(版权所有),提醒人们未经允许不能随意使用。而如果你进入了一个nature reserve(自然保护区),就更不能对珍稀植物乱采乱摘了。
ounce 盎司
sell-off 抛售
futures 期货
spots 现货
gold standard 金本位
gold bug 黄金投资者
4. 中药注射
TCM injection
Overall cases of adverse drug reactions in 2014 remained on a par with the previous year, but those involving traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) injections saw a notable increase, according to a report of China Food and Drug Administration.
"中医"(traditional Chinese medicine),是研究人体生理(physiology)、病理(pathology),以及疾病(disease)的诊断和防治等的一门学科。中医一般指中国以汉族劳动人民创造的传统医学(traditional medicine)为主的医学,所以也称汉医(Chinese medicine)。中国其他传统医学,如藏医(Tibetan medicine)、蒙医(Mongolian medicine)、苗医(Miao medicine)等等则被称为民族医学(ethnomedicine)。
Injection是"注射液",其动词形式是inject,最常见的意思是"注射",如打青霉素可以说inject penicilin。还有一些比较喜欢"插嘴"的人,我们可以说他们inject a remark into the conversation。在工作中我们总希望使工作饶有趣味,可以说We hope to inject new interest into our work。在项目中加入一些新构想,可以说to inject a few ideas into project。
dentist 牙医
physician 内科医生
surgeon 外科医生
general practitioner 全科医生
adverse reaction 不良反应
illegal medical practice 非法行医
5. 互联网从业者
Internet professionals
Most of China's Internet professionals work in first-tier metropolitan cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, according to reports.
中国互联网协会联合易观智库(Internet Society of China)、拉勾网共同发布的《2015年中国互联网招聘行业报告》显示,北京互联网从业人员最多,占35.5%,其次是深圳(11.9%),然后是上海(10.2%)和广州(8.4%)。从业人员中,男性占70%。67.5%的从业者拥有本科学历(hold a bachelor's degree),拥有硕士博士学位(master or doctor's degree)的从业者达10.5%。与传统行业(traditional businesses)的雇员相比,互联网从业者的跳槽率更高。
Professional在这里是名词,为"专业人士"的意思。Professional还可以做形容词,意思是"职业的,专业的",如,职业拳击赛(professional boxing)、职业教育(professional education)等。反义词为"业余的"(amateur),如业余拳击比赛就是amateur boxing。
freelancer 自由职业者
self-employment 自主创业
employment pressure 就业压力
labor contract 劳动合同
social security 社会保障
lawful rights and interests 合法权益
6. 提高收视率
increase audience ratings
China's reality shows will be forbidden from amplifying social conflicts and fabricating stories to be more eye-catching to increase audience ratings, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television announced in a circular on Wednesday.
"收视率"在英文中多用ratings表示,"直播节目收视率"就是telecast ratings。数据显示,"黄金档电视节目"(prime-time TV shows)收视率最高,"prime time"指电视观众最多、而且也是电视网络和当地电视台广告收益最多的电视节目时间段(the block of a day's programming schedule with the most viewers and is generally where television networks and local stations reap much of their advertising revenues),即"黄金时段",很多地方都将晚间8点到11点定为"黄金时段",而该时段的收视率则是prime-time ratings。
晚间的电视播出时段除了最抢手的黄金时段以外,其余的时间段叫做"非黄金时段" (non-prime time),也叫"边缘时段"(fringe time)。细分一下的话,在黄金时段之前的那个时段叫做"傍晚时段"(early fringe),而过了黄金时段以后进入深夜的时段则叫做"夜间时段"(late fringe)。
coverage 覆盖率
households using TV 开机数
average hours of viewing 平均收看时间
broadcasting dayparts 广播电视时段
average audience projection 平均收视人数
7. 国际漫游流量资费
overseas roaming rates
China's "Big Three" telecom carriers have been asked to make further reductions in overseas roaming rates and allow users to carry forward unused monthly data allowance, in the latest efforts by the government to regulate the sector.
"Roaming rates"是漫游资费的意思,还可以说成"roaming charges"。Roam是"出没、游荡"的意思,如:The lion used to roam the area.(这里曾有狮子出没。) 再比如,Barefoot children roamed the streets.(光着脚的孩子们在街上游荡。)
国际漫游费是因为运营商需要在海外租赁设施(rent facilities),需要额外成本所产生的费用。与之相关的还有国内城际漫游费(domestic cross-city roaming fees)和边界漫游费(border roaming)。前者是指当用户离开号码所属城市至其他城市时与国内用户的电话沟通产生的费用,后者是指用户在边界地区,由于基站信号交叉覆盖(signal overlapping),手机不知不觉中使用了更强的外地基站信号,进而产生的漫游费。
making calls outside the local service area (漫游)主叫
receiving calls when traveling to another province (漫游)被叫
mobile phone users 手机用户
payment schemes 手机套餐