
2015年08月18日 今日阿德莱德



PPA 这期特意为大家详细介绍下,当下会计就业市场的常见职务和相关的描述.

AU Accounting

Work Environment


Public Practice


Public practitioner

Big Four accounting firm(四大:PwC普华永道, Deloitte德勤, Ernst & Young安永 and KPMG毕马威)

Second-tier accounting firm (规模小于四大的会计事务所)

Small partnerships and sole practitioners(小型/个人会计事务所)

Private or Business sector


Professional accountant in business

Large companies—privately held or public listed(大型上市公司)

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)(中小型企业)


Public Sector


Government departments(政府部门)

Public entities(e.g. hospitals)(社会公共部门:如医院)

Not for profit sector


Charities (慈善机构)

Sporting and cultural associations (体育/文化相关的协会或社团)

简单来说会计择业可以分为两类,一是Public Practice,一是Private Business,也就是我们俗称的会计事务所,和商业会计两个大方向。

Types of roles within a public practicework environments

Public PracticeAccounting Work Area


Assurance and audit(审计)

Financial statement attestation in which the firm examines and attests to a company’s financial statement.审核公司财务报表,包括信息的准确性,系统是否可靠,公司业绩

e.g. performance measure, systems reliability ,information security

Financial management


Corporate governance, stakeholder relations to risk, as well as traditional financial control.


Taxation services


Company and individual taxation, fringe benefits tax (FBT),Goods and service tax(GST), capital gains tax(CGT) and international tax

公司及个人退税,FBT, GST,CGT及国际贸易税务

Forensic accounting


Specialised area that involves engagement for legal issues including fraud, disputes or litigation


Internal audit services


Systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and enhancing risk management, control and governance process


Business advising


Assisting business managers to more successfully achieve value.


Types of roles within a private businessworkenvironments

Private BusinessAccounting Work Area


Board member(董事会成员)

Elected to the Board of Directors to oversee the activities of the company or organisation


Financial director or chief financial officer


Formulation, management and review of the financial and strategic direction of the company or corporate group


Financial accountant


Preparation of general purpose financial reports, the annual report and special purpose financial reports as required. May supervise a team of accountants.


Treasury accountant


Management of treasury functions of the organisation in order to ensure sufficient cash flow and the effective use of financial instruments.


Risk manager


Quality and risk management responsibility for the business.


Strategic management accountant


Preparation of budgets and forecasts, performance measures for analysing and improving organisational performance.


Internal auditor(内审)

Review of internal controls, information and business processes.

Human resources accountant(人力资源相关的会计)

Remuneration and payroll related functions


Company secretary


Reporting and regulatory compliance and ensuring, with the chair, the efficient functioning of the board of directors.


PPA会计事务所,提供实战的会计培训项目,欢迎广大的会计学生,小生意业主,以及相关感兴趣的人士,来电咨询0450 682 399,或者添加我们的微信:PPA-adelaide,关注订阅最新资讯!

Practical Professional Accountants Pty Ltd

CPAs, Reg Tax Agents, RegASIC Agent, Certified Xero Advisor

Tel: 08 8212 5758 / 0450 682 399

Add: Suite 5, 9-15 Field St, Adelaide SA 5000

Web: www.ppaccountants.com.au


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